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The topic is about respectful care in facility based maternity care in Saudi Arabia and empowers
the women? Or women experience in facility based maternity in Saudi Arabia.
But before starting the topic it must start writing the background, and write about Saudi Women
Experience about birth based on Dr. Jahlan study and her journal articles.
Which is about her thesis Perspectives on Birthing Services in Saudi Arabia
Please see attached file: Perspectives on Maternity Services in Saudi Arabia
There is article about what women to have to see about giving birth in Saudi Arabia it is in the
end of Thesis as well as (attached)
There is also a thesis and study for Dr Roa about second stage of labour (attached). Please
write about women Experience and the quality of care in maternity service in Saudi Arabia -
antenatal care as well. The writer can critique her Thesis and her journal because you need to
assess the quality of study as well
Women Experience and quality of care what is the type of care they are receive
- Saudi Women Experience in birth
- Companies attend the labour or not what of kind of care they receive how look like ? Birthing
-Antenatal of care
The writer can use any useful articles to support the writing.

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The topic is about respectful care in facility based maternity care in Saudi Arabia and empowers the women? Or women experience in facility based maternity in Saudi Arabia. But before starting the topic it must start writing the background, and write about Saudi Women Experience about birth based on ...
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