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Revised Assignment no 2

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Validity of Post-Graduate Course to
Establish the Quality of the Course
1. Validity of examinations and assessments is very necessary to
establish their credibility. The unified concept of validity as , is
defined as follows:
“Validity of the assessments or examinations included in a course is
defined as the scientific proof or evidence which is attributable to
the data pertaining to such assessments and the result of analysis of
such data. In other words, validity is the interpretation of the
scientific and evidence-based endeavors done to explore the
results of evaluating the assessments and examinations”
Therefore, validity implies testing what has been tested for it to be a
valid form of assessment.
2. A high level of validity depends upon two factors. According to the
Messick’s framework, they are appropriateness and meaningfulness.
A classification and listing of steps that shall be taken in order to
ensure high level of validity in order to demonstrate the quality of
the assessments done in the course is as follows [1]:
1. Step One: Establishment of the Purpose of the Test
This is the first step which shall be taken. The exact purpose of
setting up examinations and assessments shall be established, so
that their purpose against the course objectives is ascertained
and verified.
2. Step Two: Doing Job Task Analysis

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As a second step, a job/task analysis shall be done. This shall be
done by analyzing the family physicians job requirements against
their behaviors, knowledge and skills. All assessments shall then be
created in the light of the job-task analysis results in mind.
3. Step Three: Creation of Assessment/Exam Specifications
In the next step, once the contents of proposed assessments are
established according to the job-task analysis done in step two, a
detailed and comprehensive examination/assessment
specification shall be formulated.
4. Step Four: Developing the Preliminary Assessment Items Pool
Once the assessment specifications have been verified, the
appropriate course component specialists shall be engaged to
develop a preliminary pool of questions or assessment tasks/items
which are in line with the specifications of the assessment. The
pool of questions shall be stored by electronic archiving methods
using computerized applications.
5. Step Five: Reviewing the Items
Once the archiving as specified in step four is complete, the
assessment items shall be subjected to intensive review. The
review shall be aimed to identify issues in the questions including
grammatical, language and technical issues.
6. Step Six: Field-Testing of the Items
All of the assessment items which qualify the steps mentioned
above shall be subjected to extensive field-testing, which shall be
done by including these items in un-scored category in various
7. Step Seven: Conducting Items Analyses
The results of questions so obtained shall be used for analysis for
their effectiveness as assessment items. The items-analyses shall
use computerized software like Microsoft Excel or Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for analysis.
8. Step Eight: Assembling the Assessment Forms
Once the assessment items have been passed through the
above mentioned steps, they shall be modified to appropriate
forms in order to be incorporated into the relevant assessments.

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1 Validity of Post-Graduate Course to Establish the Quality of the Course Tasks 1. Validity of examinations and assessments is very necessary to establish their credibility. The unified concept of validity as , is defined as follows: “Validity of the assessments or examinations included in a course is defined as the scientific proof or evidence which is attributable to the data pertaining to such assessments and the result of analysis of such data. In other words, validity is the interpretation of the scientific and evidence-based endeavors done to explore the results of evaluating the assessments and examinations” Therefore, validity implies testing what has been tested for it to be a valid form of assessment. 2. A high level of validity depends upon two factors. According to the Messick’s framework, they are appropriateness and meaningfulness. A classification and listing of s ...
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