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Date: 30/05, 2018
Agreement between:
2. SYED SHAMS HAIDER (Researcher)
In this agreement the following definitions apply.
Plagiarism means using ideas or words of another person, and submitting them
without the proper acknowledgement of the original author.
Assignment means the period in which the researcher renders services to Prospect
Researcher Guidelines means the guidelines supplied to each researcher, setting out
the general requirements in respect of the work undertaken during the assignment.
Researcher Brief means the individual brief sent to the Researcher by Prospect
Solution detailing the work required for the assignment, the deadline and any essential
research sources.
1 Prospect Solution will act as the Principal of the researcher by directly
supplying his/her services to the client with the terms of this engagement
governed in this agreement.
1.1 Throughout the period of this agreement the researcher will be acting as self
employed and will be working under contract for services with Prospect
1.2 The researcher agrees that once they have accepted an assignment that such an
acceptance constitutes a legally binding agreement for the provision of
services, and as such cannot be revoked.

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1.3 Prospect Solution reserves the right to waive this stipulation at their complete
discretion, for well established researchers and will demand medical evidence
or otherwise of any injury, illness or accident in all cases without exception.
1.4 The researcher agrees to indemnify Prospect Solution for any liability,
including loss of profits incurred from unauthorised withdrawal from an
acceptance of an assignment.
1.5 Prospect Solution will endeavour to obtain suitable assignments for the
researcher in their area of writing expertise.
2 The researcher agrees to perform all of the Assignments to the best of their
ability, and in strict accordance with the Researcher “Guidelines” and
“Researcher Brief”
2.1 The Researcher agrees that if work should not meet the “Researcher Brief” or
the “Researcher guidelines” that the work must be amended according to
satisfy the aforesaid requirements. The amendment period lasts for seven
consecutive days after the brief has been submitted by the Researcher.
2.2 The Researcher agrees that if work does not meet the “Researcher Brief” or
the “Researcher Guidelines” that Prospect Solution may withhold part of the
fee payable for completing the assignment.
2.3 The researcher agrees that should he/she be unable to amend the work as
outlined in above, Prospect Solution may withhold all or part of the fee
payable for completing the assignment.
2.4 The researcher undertakes that all information supplied to the researcher by
Prospect Solution is kept confidential and in accordance with data protection
law is not disclosed to any third party without their express permission of
Prospect Solution. The Researcher understands that they incur full liability for
any unauthorised disclosure.
2.5 The researcher agrees that all briefs should be submitted by the agreed
deadline date and time as stated on the brief details. Failure to submit briefs
on time without informing Prospect Solution in advance via email will result
in the brief being re assigned to another researcher and no payment being
made for the work completed by the researcher.
3 The Researcher acknowledges that this document and the agreement it
contains herein is legally binding and enforceable in a court of law.
3.1 The Researcher acknowledges that he/she is responsible for the appropriate
payment of his/own income tax and national insurance contributions.
3.2 The researcher acknowledges that there may be periods when no suitable work
is available and agrees that his/her suitability for an assignment shall be
determined by Prospect Solution and that Prospect Solution shall incur no
liability to the researcher if it fails to offer a suitable or any assignments.

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PROSPECT SOLUTION STANDARD RESEARCHER AGREEMENT Date: 30/05, 2018 Agreement between: 1. PROSPECT SOLUTION and 2. SYED SHAMS HAIDER (Researcher) DEFINITIONS In this agreement the following definitions apply. Plagiarism means using ideas or words of another person, and submitting them without the proper acknowledgement of the original author. Assignment means the period in which the researcher renders services to Prospect Solution Researcher Guidelines means the guidelines supplied to each researcher, setting out the general requirements in respect of the work undertaken during the assignment. Researcher Brief means the individual brief sent to the Researcher by Prospect Solution detailing the work required for the assignment, the deadline and any essential research sources. ASSIGNMENTS 1 Prospect Solution will act as the Principal of the researcher by directly supplying his/her services to the client with the terms of this engagement governed in this agreement. 1.1 Throughout the period of this agreement the researcher will be acting as self employed and will be working under contract for services with Prospect Solution. 1.2 The researcher agrees that once they have accepte ...
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