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EMS Exam

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1. List your agency, 4 segments of your target audience and 5 stakeholders.
Health promotion and education ems at University of Utah College of Health
Segments of Target Audience
The target audience can be broken down into four broad segments which include:
Students of the EMS
Students of other programs receiving EMS training
Other paramedic students
Trainers receiving EMS training
Any person, government, agency, committee and audience that is being affected by the
department comprise the 5 stakeholders of this program
Les Chetalain, Chair, Department of: Health Promotion and Education.
Management of University of Utah
General Population of Utah
Federal government
Students of the EMS

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2 Using interviews, surveys, meetings and focus groups, briefly describe how you will
gather needs, wants, barriers and supports from each of the three groups in question one.
A needs, wants, barriers and supports analysis using interviews, surveys, meetings and focus
groups shall be done as under for the three groups identified in Q.1:
NEEDS: Surveys shall be done to access the human resources needs, shortfalls pertaining to
trainers, training supervisors and managers for the program. Meetings shall be done to ascertain
the financial resources, inventory, materials and funding required for them.
WANTS: Focus group discussions and interviews with the key operations person shall be done
to get knowledge of the wants of optimized utilization of resources, provision of state of art
training services to students and innovative training strategies
BARRIERS: Surveys with the operations persons shall be done to identify the barriers like lack
of will at top level, budget restraints, resource scarcity, huge transformation and consequent
change management required.
SUPPORTS: Supports shall be identified using brainstorming meetings identifying the potential
supports for the program like public appreciation and support, committed staff members and
support from the regulatory authorities
NEEDS: Stakeholders shall be interviewed to identify their needs of resource allocation, timely
and up to date reports and their due representation in the process

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1. List your agency, 4 segments of your target audience and 5 stakeholders. Agency: Health promotion and education ems at University of Utah College of Health Segments of Target Audience The target audience can be broken down into four broad segments which include: ➢ Students of the EMS ➢ Students of other programs receiving EMS training ➢ Other paramedic students ➢ Trainers receiving EMS training Stakeholders Any person, government, agency, committee and audience that is being affected by the department comprise the 5 stakeholders of this program • Les Chetalain, Chair, Department of: Health Promotion and Education. • Management of University of Utah • General Population of Utah • Federal government • Students of the EMS 2 Using interviews, surveys, meetings and focus groups, briefly describe how you will gather needs, wants, barriers and supports from each of the three groups in question one. A needs, wants, barriers and supports analysis using interviews, surveys, meetings and focus groups shall be done as under for the three groups identified in Q.1: AGENCY NEEDS: Surveys shall be done to access the human resources needs, shortfalls pertaining to trainers, training supervisors and managers for the program. Meetings shall be done to ascertain the financial resources, inventory, materials and funding required for them. WANTS: Focus group discussions and interviews with the key operations person shall be done to get knowledge of the wants of opti ...
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