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Synopsis comparison pogo LMA n I gel 2 12 09

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The Controller,
Research and Training Monitoring Cell,
CPSP, Pakistan.
Dated: AUGUST 20,2010.
Subject: Submission of synopsis
Respected sir,
I am submitting the synopsis titled Comparison of POGO scoring in intersurgical-
gel (I-gel) and Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)”.
Duration of study: The study will be completed in about six months after approval
of the synopsis.
Supervisor Trainee
Dr. Asiya Sibtain Dr. M. Sheraz Saleem Ch.
Consultant Anaesthetist ANS-2009-081-909
Hameed Latif Hospital
Lahore .

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Comparison of POGO Scoring in I-gel and Laryngeal Mask Airway
Dr. M. Sheraz Saleem Ch.
Post Graduate Resident
Department of Anaesthesia
Hameed Latif Hospital,

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To, The Controller, Research and Training Monitoring Cell, CPSP, Pakistan. Dated: AUGUST 20,2010. Subject: Submission of synopsis Respected sir, I am submitting the synopsis titled “Comparison of POGO scoring in intersurgicalgel (I-gel) and Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)”. Duration of study: The study will be completed in about six months after approval of the synopsis. Supervisor Dr. Asiya Sibtain Consultant Anaesthetist Hameed Latif Hospital Lahore . Trainee Dr. M. Sheraz Saleem Ch. ANS-2009-081-909 Comparison of POGO Scoring in I-gel and Laryngeal Mask Airway Dr. M. Sheraz Saleem Ch. Post Graduate Resident Department of Anaesthesia Hameed Latif Hospital, Lahore. INTRODUCTION: Maintaining the airway is one of the major responsibilities of the anesthesiologist. The armament of an anesthesiologist for securing airway ranges from guedel airways to endotracheal tubes. Endotracheal tube (ETT) has traditionally been regarded as the definitive airway and is the modality of choice in certain conditions 1. The routine use of ETT in elective surgeries has largely been replaced by supraglottic airway devices. The supraglottic airway devices are intermediate between facemask and endotracheal tube. They facilitate gas exchange and protect the airway by forming a seal between respiratory and digestive tracts.2 A wide range of supraglottic airway devices is available. The Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) is one of the most commonly used devices 3. Despite its good safety profil ...
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