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Revised Assignment 1

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1. Is healthcare a business?
Are healthcare administrators responsible for one or the other or equally
Healthcare can be called a business, but on with more of ethical concerns and social
responsibility than any other business in the world.
Healthcare administrators are equally responsible for both the tasks of their functions. The
prime one, being healthcare provision and delivery, regulation and planning of services and
various other aspects of healthcare management and administration are also included.
As a business, healthcare administrators are always keen for growth and profitability but the
core demands of the nature of business constrains them to do so under the umbrella of ethics,
moral and social responsibility.
How is the system set-up to prefer one or the other?
Healthcare administrators are equally responsible for the business aspects of healthcare
delivery services. Costs and finances have a vital role to play in case of healthcare service
delivery and it is the prime responsibility of the healthcare administrator to regulate these
issues according to the business model of the organization they are working for. These
models include the following:
a. For-profit
In this case, financial sustainability of the healthcare operations is the prime focus
of the healthcare administrators. They have to devise mechanisms for efficient
revenue generation as well as cost-curtailment.

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b. Not-for-profit
The prime responsibility of healthcare administrators in these cases is the delivery
of healthcare services and its quality. Financial and business concerns are not very
important in such cases.
c. Managed care
Managed care administrators still have to sort out financial as well as ethical
issues in their practice.
As for the above described categories, the system is set-up to prefer one or the other
depending upon its requirements for example in the for-profit; the primary purpose is to earn
profit from the healthcare setup.
Therefore, it is the role of healthcare administrator to balance his social responsibility
functions, business functions and ethical duties according to the system he or she is working
Role played by patients in the equation
Patients play a vital role in the equation healthcare = business. The patient attributes
modelling this equation are:
1. Patients’ affordability determines their role in the equation to the most extent.
2. Patient’s medical condition
3. Patients’ insurance status
4. Patients’ approach towards their healthcare needs
Thus affording patients are more likely to adapt to and accept a for-profit model of
healthcare as a business. Furthermore, conditions prompting urgent and extensive

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1. Is healthcare a business? Are healthcare administrators responsible for one or the other or equally Healthcare can be called a business, but on with more of ethical concerns and social responsibility than any other business in the world. Healthcare administrators are equally responsible for both the tasks of their functions. The prime one, being healthcare provision and delivery, regulation and planning of services and various other aspects of healthcare management and administration are also included. As a business, healthcare administrators are always keen for growth and profitability but the core demands of the nature of business constrains them to do so under the umbrella of ethics, moral and social responsibility. How is the system set-up to prefer one or the other? Healthcare administrators are equally responsible for the business aspects of healthcare delivery services. Costs and finances have a vital role to play in case of healthcare service delivery and it is the prime responsibility of the healthcare administrator to regulate these issues according to the business model of the organization they are working for. These models include the following: a. For-profit In this case, financial sustainability of the healthcare operations is the prime focus of the healthcare administrators. They have to devise mechanisms for efficient revenue generation as well as cost-curtailment. b. Not-for-profit The prime responsibility of healthcare administrators in these cases is ...
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