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Research Proposal:
A Qualitative Evaluation of the Well-being of Employees in National Health Service (NHS)
Word Count: 1970

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Introduction: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Well-being of Employees in National Health
Service (NHS)
Well-being and health are very important aspects of life. Health is defined by the World
Health Organization (WHO, 2020a), the premier global agency for health, as a state of “complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO,
2020b). Well-being is, therefore, synonymously used with the term health. The term well-being
is used for defining the state of health of individuals which results from the interaction between
various physical, psychological, social, and environmental factors that lead to an optimal state of
health (Kiefer, 2008).
The well-being of employees of NHS, which includes doctors, nurses and paramedics,
are most important, as they are directly involved in managing the healthcare of the people in a
society (Kreitzer et al., 2019). In order to assess the well-being of employees of NHS, it is quite
an effective way to carry out a qualitative assessment. The aim of the proposed qualitative
research assessment is to provide an assessment of the overall state of well-being of the staff
employed by the organisation, which will help it in formulating such policies and procedures
which promote the status of health of the employees and lead to increase in the efficiency and
effectiveness of the organisation.
The importance of the research topic, as described above, has prompted similar
investigations from various research studies in this regard in the past. The well-being of workers
and employees in various settings has been thoroughly investigated in terms of the actual status
of health of the patients, their perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes regarding health and well-being,

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Research Proposal: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Well-being of Employees in National Health Service (NHS) Word Count: 1970 Introduction: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Well-being of Employees in National Health Service (NHS) Well-being and health are very important aspects of life. Health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2020a), the premier global agency for health, as a state of “complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO, 2020b). Well-being is, therefore, synonymously used with the term health. The term well-being is used for defining the state of health of individuals which results from the interaction between various physical, psychological, social, and environmental factors that lead to an optimal state of health (Kiefer, 2008). The well-being of employees of NHS, which includes doctors, nurses and paramedics, are most important, as they are directly involved in managing the healthcare of the people in a society (Kreitzer et al., 2019). In order to assess the well-being of employees of NHS, it is quite an effective way to carry out a qualitative assessment. The aim of the proposed qualitative research assessment is to provide an assessment of the overall state of well-being of the staff employed by the organisation, which will help it in formulating such policies and procedures which promote the status of health of the employees and lead to increase in the efficiency and effectiveness ...
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