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Offshore Outsourcing

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Offshore Outsourcing: Its Merits, Its Drawbacks, and Its Future 1 of 16 Pengxiang Ding (Sean) Business Administration 2014, Colby-Sawyer College Offshore Outsourcing: Its Merits, Its Drawbacks, and Its Future The Industrial Revolution led business organizations into the era of making great profits. Companies started to exploit their competitive advantages on the one hand, and diversify corporate bases on the other hand for more profits. However, just like there is no all-rounded individual in the world, there is no business organization that does the best job in every activity involved in running the business. Companies learned to delegate some of the less profitable jobs to others, and they fell in love with this strategy. For example, a publisher usually pays for printing and distribution services instead of doing these jobs on its own. This business conduct had been practiced for decades with rare criticism until it became international. Offshore outsourcing is even more exciting for businesses; however, many groups of the population, especially those who constitute the domestic work force, are angered about it. International outsourcing enables U.S. companies to exploit international differences in compensations, legal requirements, employee benefits and operating costs in order to be more productive. But it deprives the U.S. of jobs, leaves some workers unemployed, and seems to undermine the domestic economy. Offshore outsourcing strongly interests me because I came to ...
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