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Genetic Information on Cleft Lip and/or Palate General information This leaflet has been designed to provide information about the genetic basis of cleft lip and palate. Cleft Lip and Palate What is an orofacial cleft? An orofacial cleft is when a baby is born with one of the following • • • cleft lip, cleft lip with a cleft of the palate cleft palate on its own. The cleft lip can occur on one side (unilateral) or on both sides (bilateral). Orofacial clefting can be separated into two main types: (1) cleft lip with or without cleft palate and (2) cleft palate only . Within babies born with a cleft palate 50% are cleft lip and palate, 30-35% are cleft palate, 15-20% are cleft lip only. The genetic tendency for cleft lip, with or without cleft palate, appears to be different from the genetic tendency to cleft palate alone and it is uncommon for both disorders to occur in the same family. In most children (70%), a cleft occurs in isolation, and the baby has no other medical problems. In the mildest form, the lip alone is unilaterally cleft, whereas in the most severe form, the lip and palate are affected on both sides. Approximately 30% of all babies with a cleft will have other congenital conditions. For this reason, it is important that each baby will have a detailed examination to rule out any other possible conditions they may have. Why has my child been born with a cleft? In most children, no single cause for the cleft can be found. It is thought that m ...
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