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Dr Allah Rakha First draft

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1 ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF LIFE OF CAREGIVERS ATTENDING EPILEPTIC CHILDREN USING CAREGIVER BURDEN SCALE IN LAHORE First draft Dr. Allah Rakha Roll No. 653-17 MPH Dr. Allah Rakha Institute of Public Health Lahore Roll No. 653-17 2 INTRODUCTION Dr. Allah Rakha Institute of Public Health Lahore Roll No. 653-17 3 EPILEPSY is the most common serious neurological disorder and is one of the world's most prevalent non-communicable diseases. It is estimated that the condition affects approximately 50 million people, around 40 million of them live in developing countries 1. In Egypt, about 840,000 people have epilepsy. This means that about one million Egyptian families directly suffer from the various consequences of the condition – physically, socially and economically 2. Many epileptic school children are not known to the education authorities 3 and teachers feel that they have inadequate general knowledge of epilepsy and had not learnt the specific classroom management of epileptic children or the problems of pupils with epilepsy 4,5 . Although antiepileptic drugs are widely available, many patients with active epilepsy are untreated and the treatment gap is much greater in developing countries 6. Moreover, the lack of AED knowledge results in decreased patients compliance, which is a serious hindrance to successful treatment and can place the patient at unnecessary risk 7 . Dr. Allah Rakha Institute of Public Health Lahore Roll No. 653-17 4 An increasing a ...
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