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Asl blog outsourcing vs insourcing march 6 2014

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Outsourcing versus Insourcing 08/03/2014 Recent Trends and Factors to Consider A white paper on the recent outsourcing trends in North America and the advantages / disadvantages of each logistics approach. Outsourcing versus Insourcing R E C E N T T R E N D S A N D FA C T O R S T O C O N S I D E R INTRODUCTION ASL and has been servicing logistics partners since 1959, with a number of partnerships lasting 20+ years. With that in mind, and given our collaborative history with several major brands, this white paper covers the recent trends in outsourcing versus insourcing logistics. We value our partnerships and believe it is our responsibility to provide support and assistance to our partners when considering strategic logistics options. RECENT TRENDS In a recent study of the state of logistics outsourcing, it was noted that despite challenging business conditions, aggregate global revenues for the 3PL sector continue to rise, and far more shippers (65%) are increasing their use of 3PL services than returning to insourcing (22%) some 3PL services. Outsourcing accounts for 54% of shippers’ transportation spend and 39% of warehouse operations spend. As found in past Annual 3PL St ...
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