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Since the day I started my schooling, a question frequently encountered me.
Which career I aspire to take up in my life? With the passage of time, I
chalked up an answer. It was, I want to be a doctor! I spent plenty of time
in finding the answer to this most frequently asked question and the nobility
I sensed in this profession was unmatched. Progressing with my school years,
I finally got the chance to study sciences and later on biology, which served
as the foundation of my interest in life sciences. Knowing about the cell as
a unit of life was something which told me I have started my journey in
medicine. The most inspiring outfit to me became a white coat as I passed my
high school.
With this zeal and zest, I was lucky enough to secure a place in Rawalpindi
Medical College, a meritorious medical school of my country. I had a
marvelous time there, studying basic medical sciences and exploring the
avenues of medicine. The best era of my academic life started with the
commencement of my clinical years and bedside teaching. It was the time when
I started applying my concepts in various clinical settings. I was rotated
through various wards belonging to all specialties. The most appealing was
Internal Medicine and it was in those days that fascinated with my passion
for molecular basis of disease, I decided to pursue my career in Internal
During my subsequent clinical rotations and internship in Internal Medicine,
I learned the art of history taking and the techniques of physical
examination. Furthermore, I developed the reflexes and correlative thinking
to link clinical findings with the natural history of various disease
processes. Side by side, through interaction with patients, I learnt how to
develop rapport with patients and counsel them regarding their diagnoses and
lifestyle modifications that they required. Taking care of complicated cases,
I gained confidence in sharing bad news with my patients and in sympathizing
with them during their hardships. I also learnt how team work contributed
effectively in patient management.
After completing my internship, I thoroughly searched all options for getting
Internal Medicine training and found United States Residency as the best.
Since it offers strong clinical training and the opportunity to participate
in didactic activities in order to keep up with the latest research in
applied medical sciences, it attracted me the most. Realizing that
competition to get a place in US residency training program is intense, I
worked very hard for my USMLE’s as is evident from my scores. After my
arrival in USA, I did externship at Heart & Vascular Institute of Harper
University Hospital affiliated with Detroit Medical Center (DMC). It was a
worthwhile experience which gave me a comprehensive overlook of the US health
system and provided me with the clinical exposure that will help me during my
With these credentials coupled with my excellent understanding of basic &
clinical medical sciences, an interest for clinical research and my
exceptional clinical and interpersonal skills, I am confident that I am an
ideal candidate for your program and if selected, I shall offer the best of

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Since the day I started my schooling, a question frequently encountered me. Which career I aspire to take up in my life? With the passage of time, I chalked up an answer. It was, I want to be a doctor! I spent plenty of time in finding the answer to this most frequently asked question and the nobility I sensed in this profession was unmatched. Progressing with my school years, I finally got the chance to study sciences and later on biology, which served as the foundation of my interest in life sciences. Knowing about the cell as a unit of life was something which told me I have started my jour ...
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