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Solved Chapter 12 Open Book

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Solved Chapter 12: Personal and Financial Health: Open Book Assignment
Multiple Choice
Choose ONE answer per question.
1. The release of stress hormones commonly causes _____.
d. faster heart rate
2. Prolonged periods of stress do NOT commonly lead to _____.
b. excess energy
3. Severely restricting food intake and having an irrational fear of gaining weight are symptoms
of which condition?
a. Anorexia nervosa
4. Daniel exercises so frequently that it sometimes worries his friends. He often eats a lot of
food at once, and then forces himself to vomit afterward, and he abuses diuretics. Which
condition does Daniel most likely have?
d. Bulimia nervosa
5. Which statement about exercise is NOT correct?
c. It is a leading cause of stress.

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6. You should get at least _____ minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous
exercise, each week.
d. 150
7. Arlene usually gets only four or five hours of sleep each night. She is often tired in class,
which makes it difficult to pay attention. What should Arlene do?
b. Exercise in the morning
8. If you experience excessive worry, dread, or fear, you may have which condition?
c. Anxiety
9. Which is a symptom of a panic attack?
d. Feeling as though you’re having a heart attack
10. Research suggests that students are more likely to get higher grades if they regularly _____.
a. go to bed early, get up early, and eat breakfast
13. You are likely to earn less per week with a _____ than with an associate’s degree.
a. high school degree

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Solved Chapter 12: Personal and Financial Health: Open Book Assignment Multiple Choice Choose ONE answer per question. 1. The release of stress hormones commonly causes _____. d. faster heart rate 2. Prolonged periods of stress do NOT commonly lead to _____. b. excess energy 3. Severely restricting food intake and having an irrational fear of gaining weight are symptoms of which condition? a. Anorexia nervosa 4. Daniel exercises so frequently that it sometimes worries his friends. He often eats a lot of food at once, and then forces himself to vomit afterward, and he abuses diuretics. Which condition does Daniel most likely have? d. Bulimia nervosa 5. Which statement about exercise is NOT correct? c. It is a leading cause of stress. 6. You should get at least _____ minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, each week. d. 150 7. Arlene usually gets only four or five hours of sleep each night. She is often tired in class, which makes it difficult to pay attention. What should Arlene do? b. Exercise in the morning 8. If you experience excessive worry, dread, or fear, you may have which condition? c. Anxiety 9. Which is a symptom of a panic attack? d. Feeling as though you’re having a heart attack 10. Research suggests that students are more likely to get higher grades if they regularly _____. a. go to bed early, get up early, and eat breakfast 13. You are likely to earn less per week with a _____ than with an associate’s degree. a. high scho ...
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