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Project Assignment 1 North Las Vegas Fire Department

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Project Assignment1
Ambulance services for North Las Vegas Fire Department
Brief Description of the Program
We shall be doing our project on the North Las Vegas fire department (NLVFD). The
department is a fire administration agency actively engaged in providing emergency medical
services to the fire victims by giving them rescue, fire control, loss prevention and advanced
life support services. It not only provides services once a fire is reported within its
jurisdiction but it also carries out mock drills, fire prevention trainings and fire awareness to
the residents of Las Vegas. Furthermore, it has an extensive training program for its
employees regarding fire-fighting techniques and manoeuvres, first aid medical help and
everything relating to fire control.
North Las Vegas Fire Department has a mission statement of advancing the City of North Las
Vegas vision by providing dedicated emergency and community services in a professional
manner. It comprises of three divisions namely administration, support services and operation
divisions which together employ as many as 165 individuals both uniformed and civilian. In
the year 2016, the NLVFD prompted to 28,753 incidents resulting in 34,179 unit responses
with an average response time of 5 minutes and 54 seconds. The average time for fire-fighters

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to put on their gear was 1 minute and 3 seconds. The department conducted 180 fire/arson
investigations. Public education activities reached over 697,195 citizens via 239 public
education events.
The main service of the North Las Vegas Fire Department is to provide rescue and
emergency medical services to people caught in a fire in residential, commercial, industrial or
any site. The aim of this project is to provide a program for the effective and adequate
management for the ambulances of the North Las Vegas Fire department. The program shall
focus on the average response time of the ambulances and their evacuation time of the fire
victims. The program shall be aimed to reduce the response time further and also to reduce
the time of evacuation and shifting to hospitals of the victims of fire. The framework and
stake holders of the project shall be discussed later in this report.
Stake holders shall be identified first. Broadly speaking, the first stake holders who come to
our minds are the residents of North Las Vegas who benefit from these services. Next shall
be the NLVFD organizational stake holders viz
Joseph Calhoun, Fire Chief
Travis Anderson, Assistant Fire Chief
Cedric Williams, Public Information/Community Liaison Officer
John Wright, Training Battalion Chief
Lisa Price, EMS Chief

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Project Assignment1 Ambulance services for North Las Vegas Fire Department Brief Description of the Program We shall be doing our project on the North Las Vegas fire department (NLVFD). The department is a fire administration agency actively engaged in providing emergency medical services to the fire victims by giving them rescue, fire control, loss prevention and advanced life support services. It not only provides services once a fire is reported within its jurisdiction but it also carries out mock drills, fire prevention trainings and fire awareness to the residents of Las Vegas. Furthermore, it has an extensive training program for its employees regarding fire-fighting techniques and manoeuvres, first aid medical help and everything relating to fire control. North Las Vegas Fire Department has a mission statement of advancing the City of North Las Vegas vision by providing dedicat ...
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