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The movie Children of Men released in 2006 is a fiction thriller movie set on a stage
depicting the state of affairs in 2027 at a time when the world is suffering from
infertility for nearly the past two decades. As a consequence, the whole world is in a
state of distress. The stage for the movie is set in the United Kingdom which is shown
to be one of the very few countries where a government with some functionality
However, refugees seeking asylum in the United Kingdom do take law and order
every now and then and to counter them, the government hires a hardcore tyrant
warden to control the situation of law and order in the country, which he manages to
do somehow or the other. Things take a twist when a woman discovers herself to be
pregnant and announces the same. As a consequence, the situation becomes really out
of control. Things go nasty to an extent that the borders need to be closed to the
The movie is based on a lot of psychological phenomena which otherwise remained
unobserved in the usual circumstances. The fear of extinction of mankind by the
mankind is itself one of the major aberrations which come into action in such a
scenario. Furthermore, survival of the fittest is another concept which is an integral
part of human psyche and whenever people see resources getting limited and chaos
prevailing around them, they try to become the fittest ones by peaceful or
non-peaceful means which ever they can adopt to ensure their survival. Human’s
tendency to gain power as a group is very well evident in the movie and so is the
tendency to resort to violence once struck by unfavorable circumstances.

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The movie Children of Men released in 2006 is a fiction thriller movie set on a stage depicting the state of affairs in 2027 at a time when the world is suffering from infertility for nearly the past two decades. As a consequence, the whole world is in a state of distress. The stage for the movie is ...
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