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Assignment 2

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I shall begin by examining the three constructs of the Cognitive Social Theory (CST).
The first construct I will examine is the Behavior itself. The at-risk students in
question are exhibiting some behavioral abnormalities which have been noticed in the
school. Behavior does not have absolute definitions for normality but the deviations
from the expected norms are considered to be a behavioral abnormality. As the
cognitive behavioral theory suggests, the changes or formation of behaviors is very
much dependent upon the personal factors which lead to these changes as well as the
environmental factors which contribute to them. Furthermore, the same altered
behaviors lead to changes in the environment in which they are exhibited, therefore
initiating a vicious cycle of bad behaviors which is a risk to the society at large.
The environmental factors in the case of these low income preschool children seem to
be the behaviors they face in the society in which they dwell. This includes their
school fellows as well as their family members and their neighbors. If there are
behavioral aberrations in these segments, the children are bound to have a negative
impact on their behaviors and they will contribute to the environmental pool of bad
behaviors as well.
It is not environment alone which is responsible for the shaping of behaviors. There
are personal factors as well which include the specific thinking patterns of the
children with which they are born. This is especially true for my case as the children
under consideration are preschool children who are very young to have deep rooted
environmental impacts. So the personal factors in this case are very important.
Biological factors which are a component of the personal factors are very important in
this regard as malnutrition and deficiency of certain vitamins in the diet can alter the
psychological and in turn the behavioral health of the children.
Teachers are the first one to identify the variations in behaviors of the children they
teach. Being directly involved with children’s cognition and learning, they are the first
ones to note any aberrations in their behaviors. My strategy will consist of the
following steps to be undertaken by the teachers to address the issue:
1. Identification of behaviors for normality or abnormality.
2. Probing into the causes of the behavioral abnormalities by classifying into the
behaviors, environmental influences and personal factors for each student
displaying abnormal behavior.
3. Counseling and handling the children according to the factors identified and
communicating them to their parents for modifications.
4. Monitoring and evaluating behavioral changes.

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CREATING A BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION FOR LOW INCOME PRE SCHOOL STUDENTS OF AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN BALTIMORE I shall begin by examining the three constructs of the Cognitive Social Theory (CST). The first construct I will examine is the Behavior itself. The at-risk students in question are exhibiting ...
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