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Revised Reaction paper 2

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Reaction paper 2
The paper must include a summary of the concept(s) of interest, and your
analysis/reaction/application to the topic in the “real world.” It may be
helpful to use outside sources to back up your reaction; but your
individual reaction to the topic is the crucial part of the assignment.
Summary of the concepts addressed along with my reaction to them is as
Marketing in healthcare
In this lecture, we learned the various aspects of marketing as applied to
healthcare industry.
Before the course, I had heard about marketing and knew some of the
basic concepts of marketing already. However it was quite interesting to
learn about how this is applied to healthcare and the specific requirements
and dimensions of the industry. Healthcare marketing is different from
routine marketing in that it is based on a variety of payment schemes
unlike most of the conventional marketing which is mostly cash-based.

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Healthcare is often covered by insurance and managed care plans and
rarely employs fee for service model, in which case the marketing follows
the conventional marketing strategies.
Leadership concepts as applied to healthcare and hospitals were learned
in this part of the lecture.
In my view, leadership is one of the most important elements of planning,
managing and evaluation of healthcare organizations, projects and
hospitals. Without leadership in the true sense, it is not possible to
manage large scale organizations and give a direction to them to achieve
What I learned about leadership were the various theories and models of
leadership and how they apply in the healthcare management settings. I
learned the importance of having clear and concise mission and vision

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Reaction paper 2 The paper must include a summary of the concept(s) of interest, and your analysis/reaction/application to the topic in the “real world.” It may be helpful to use outside sources to back up your reaction; but your individual reaction to the topic is the crucial part of the assignment. Summary of the concepts addressed along with my reaction to them is as follows: Marketing in healthcare In this lecture, we learned the various aspects of marketing as applied to healthcare industry. Before the course, I had heard about marketing and knew some of the basic concepts of marketing already. However it was quite interesting to learn about how this is applied to healthcare and the specific requirements and dimensions of the industry. Healthcare marketing is different from routine marketing in that it is based on a variety of payment schemes unlike most of the conventional marketing which is mostly cash-based. Healthcare is often covered by insurance and managed care plans and rarely employs fee for service model, in which case the marketing follows the conventional marketing strategies. Leadership Leadership concepts as applied to healthcare and hospitals were learned in this part of the lecture. In my view, leadership is one of the most important elements of planning, managing and evaluation of healthcare organizations, projects and hospitals. Without leadership in the true sense, it is not possible to manage large scale organizations and give a direction ...
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