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Lab 3

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1. Healthy Meal
a) Fast Food restaurant: SUBWAY
The meal includes a SANDWICH as an entrée, a salad bowl as a side, a
bottle of diet coke as a beverage and a cookie as a dessert.
Nutritional analysis of the meal:
The meal contains:
Plenty of proteins in the form of the sandwich filling which consists
of tuna fish
Carbohydrates mostly fiber and some refined carbohydrates in the
form of whole-wheat sandwich bread and the salad bowl taken as a
Fats are also healthier ones including the omega-3 fatty acids
obtained from tuna fish pieces in the sandwich.
Fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A and D
Minerals like sodium
b) I feel this meal to be healthy because it has a lot of fiber in it. Fiber is a
complex form of carbohydrates (polysaccharides to be exact) which are
particularly important for the health of the gut. They keep us relieved of
constipation by forming the bulk of the stool. A lot of proteins are also
available from this meal which helps build the tissues of our body and for
its repair and maintenance. Refined carbohydrates in the form of sugars in

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the cookie are also present which serve as an instant source of energy
without making a significant increase in the caloric intake which can
pre-dispose us to obesity. Fats are also there especially in the mayonnaise
dressing inside the sandwich but most of the fat present is derived from the
tuna fish pieces which are present inside the sandwich which are good fats
as they contain the omega 3 fatty acids having a very good role in the
maintenance of our health. Omega 3 fatty acids keep our triglyceride levels
under check and they also have anti-ageing properties. Finally since the
beverage is a diet one, it does not add much calories to the entire meal
intake because it is calorie-free yet satisfies the thirst which accompanies
while taking the meal. However, a lot of sodium is present in the meal in
the form of added salt which id excess can lead to a high blood pressure.
c) Yes as per the information I provided in the above sections, I will eat this
food over and over again and prefer it over any other fast food any day as
it is healthy, provides the right amount and right types of calories and is
good for my cardiac health as well as for my weight and my constipation.
2. Unhealthy meal
d) Fast Food restaurant: McDonalds
The meal includes a beef burger with cheese as an entrée, French fries as a
side, a bottle of regular coke as a beverage and a cone ice-cream as a dessert.

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1. Healthy Meal a) Fast Food restaurant: SUBWAY The meal includes a SANDWICH as an entrée, a salad bowl as a side, a bottle of diet coke as a beverage and a cookie as a dessert. Nutritional analysis of the meal: The meal contains: ➢ Plenty of proteins in the form of the sandwich filling which consists of tuna fish ➢ Carbohydrates mostly fiber and some refined carbohydrates in the form of whole-wheat sandwich bread and the salad bowl taken as a side. ➢ Fats are also healthier ones including the omega-3 fatty acids obtained from tuna fish pieces in the sandwich. ➢ Fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A and D ➢ Minerals like sodium b) I feel this meal to be healthy because it has a lot of fiber in it. Fiber is a complex form of carbohydrates (polysaccharides to be exact) which are particularly important for the health of the gut. They keep us relieved of constipation by forming the bulk of the stool. A lot of proteins are also available from this meal which helps build the tissues of our body and for its repair and maintenance. Refined carbohydrates in the form of sugars in the cookie are also present which serve as an instant source of energy without making a significant i ...
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