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1. I consider the shift of care from inpatient to out patient care to be the major
reason of skyrocketing of the costs in the United States. It is because although
such a shift implies lesser cost due to reduced indoor stay by patients, in practice,
it yields an entirely opposite result as utilization of healthcare services is
maximized. Further more, the same also prompts a large scale use of diagnostic
modalities like CT Scans, MRIs, laboratory investigations and many more which
are very expensive and lead to skyrocketing costs in the provision of healthcare
2. Referent power is the ability of a leader to influence a follower because
of the follower's loyalty, respect, friendship, admiration, affection, or a
desire to gain approval.
Expert power is power of leader attributable to knowledge and skills that
enable him/her to understand a situation, suggest solutions, use solid
judgment, and generally outperform others.
Legitimate power is the power derived from a formal position or office held in
the organization's hierarchy of authority.
From a manager's perspective, the most important power according to my view
is the expert power. Since expert power is attributable to his technical and
managerial knowledge and skills, therefore, I consider it as his/her absolute
power in the organizational context. This power enables the manager to use his
or hers 'learned' foresight to solve problems and to use evidence based
decision making.
As per my opinion, the most preferred power by other members of the
organization is legitimate power due to the absoluteness entailed in its nature.
People often think there is little left after the legitimate authority in decision
3. The major factor behind a continual desire for technological advances in
medical field, in my opinion, seems to be a desire of mankind as a whole
to live long and to live disease free having an improved quality of life.
This drive, complemented by advances in pharmaceutics and
engineering has evolved into a continual quest to satisfy our wants and
needs to the above mentioned end.
4. As administrators, I think this desire is good as a lot of management
practices are streamlined as and when new technologies are introduced.
Accurate diagnoses and effective treatments play a vital role in cost
control and rational allocation of resources.
Informal groups in an organization are quite valuable for the effectiveness and
efficiency of organizational processes. They increase the work flexibility of

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group members. Furthermore, they also broaden the horizons of members and
inculcate out-of-box thinking in them.
However, there are also some problems associated with informal groups. If
such groups are unfocused, time and commitment invested in them can be
futile, rather they become time wasters and cause confounding. If the groups
get politicized, they can adversely affect the organization as well.
5. MCQ
6. When such people visit my clinic/hospital with misinformation, I will try to counsel
them. First step in this process shall be a personality/ psychological analysis of the
patient. Upon a preliminary assessment after listening to the patient's concerns, I
shall politely explain to them the limitations of information technology in the
diagnosis of medical conditions and persuade them about the clinical judgement
of a qualified physician. As a step ahead, I shall encourage them to share all their
concerns and reservations about medical conditions with their physicians till the
time they are satisfied.
7. Fdfd
I just thought of a mega store.
The three risks that came to my mind are :-
1. Mechanical accident :- due to fall of materials from racks
It can have a high impact as it can lead to loss of life or disability of the staff as well
as visitors. Probability is high as well due to the frequent handling of stores
2. Fire :- due to the presence of combustible materials
Impact can be very high, as a large number of people can be affected. likelihood is
low due to good safety measures.
3. Poisoning of unsupervised children
It has low impact as most children are supervised well by parents. Likelihood is
low as well.
Mitigation strategy for the third risk is separating the areas having stores with
potential of poisoning by children upon ingestion and not allowing the entry of
children into them.
8. Fdfdf In decision I see the Status Quo trap most often. It is because it is a

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1. I consider the shift of care from inpatient to out patient care to be the major reason of skyrocketing of the costs in the United States. It is because although such a shift implies lesser cost due to reduced indoor stay by patients, in practice, it yields an entirely opposite result as utilization of healthcare services is maximized. Further more, the same also prompts a large scale use of diagnostic modalities like CT Scans, MRIs, laboratory investigations and many more which are very expensive and lead to skyrocketing costs in the provision of healthcare services. 2. Referent power is the ability of a leader to influence a follower because of the follower's loyalty, respect, friendship, admiration, affection, or a desire to gain approval. Expert power is power of leader attributable to knowledge and skills that enable him/her to understand a situation, suggest solutions, use solid judgment, and generally outperform others. Legitimate power is the power derived from a formal position or office held in the organization's hierarchy of authority. From a manager's perspective, the most important power according to my view is the expert power. Since expert power is attributable t ...
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