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HNHS 112 Physiological Principles for heath and social care

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Task 1
Discuss the interaction between skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular system. You
must outline, in adetailed way:
- Gross anatomy of each one of these systems (images should be used to support your
- Functions of each one of these three systems
- How these systems work together: you must offer examples of why the functioning
of one of these
systems needs the interaction with the other two.
In this part of the assessment, the interaction between skeletal, muscular and
cardiovascular systems of the human body is discussed.
In order to have an understanding of the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology)
of these systems, we first need to have a broad idea of their core function in the body
and later on I will discuss them in detail.
Basic explanation of the systems
The skeletal system is a system of tissues and organs which is designed to give the
form and structure to the human body and provides a framework to support various
organs of the body and to protect them. It comprises the bones and joints present in
the body. The muscular system is built upon the skeletal system in the form of
muscles, tendons and ligaments and it ensures the mobility of various parts of the
body. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart which is the pump of the body
which circulates blood all across the body through a network of vessels called arteries,
veins and capillaries which I discuss in detail later on.
Gross anatomy of the systems
Skeletal system

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The skeletal system comprises of 206 bones present in the body. These bones are
joined together through various kinds of joints which are structures which hold
together two individual bones yet allowing for their movement against each other if
required. To have knowledge of the skeletal system anatomy, let us discuss its two
major components.
The first component of the skeletal system is the axial skeleton. The axial skeleton as
its name implies is the central framework of bones from the head to the torso. Moving
down from the head downward, the parts of axial skeleton are the skull, which is the
combined name for twenty two bones joined together to form a cage in which the
human brain is housed. A technical name for the skull in medical terminology is
cranium. Twenty one out of the twenty two bones comprising the skull are fused
together while one bone makes a movable joint with rest of the bones. This bone is
called the mandible and in layman terms it is called the jaw and its movement allows
us to chew different objects.
Next in the axial skeleton is the hyoid bone. Hyoid bone is the sole bone inside the
human body which is not connected to another bone through a fusion or a joint. It is
located below the skull in the region of throat and its function is to keep our air-pipe
(trachea) open at all times and also to serve as an attachment site for the muscles of
our Tounge.
Some very small bones also form a part of the axial skeleton and are located inside the
inner ear. They are called ossicles and are named as malleus, incus and stapes. Going
further downwards in the axial skeleton come the bones together forming our

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Task 1 Discuss the interaction between skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular system. You must outline, in adetailed way: - Gross anatomy of each one of these systems (images should be used to support your explanation) - Functions of each one of these three systems - How these systems work together: you must offer examples of why the functioning of one of these systems needs the interaction with the other two. In this part of the assessment, the interaction between skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular systems of the human body is discussed. In order to have an understanding of the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of these systems, we first need to have a broad idea of their core function in the body and later on I will discuss them in detail. Basic explanation of the systems The skeletal system is a system of tissues and organs which is designed to give the form and structure to the human body and provides a framework to support various organs of the body and to protect them. It comprises the bones and joints present in the body. The muscular system is built upon the skeletal system in the form of muscles, tendons and ligaments and it ensures the mobility of various parts of the body. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart which is the pump of the body which circulates blood all across the body through a network of vessels called arteries, veins and capillaries which I discuss in detail later on. Gross anatomy of the systems Skeletal system The skelet ...
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