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Antibiotics during pregnancy

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Is it safe to take antibiotics during pregnancy/breastfeeding? How can they affect
my baby?
Antibiotics are specialized medicines used to treat infections. Antibiotics are
particularly helpful to treat bacterial infections. Due to their fast onset of action, since
the twentieth century, there is widespread use of antibiotics to treat infections due to
microbes replacing the traditional ways and means of healing in such cases. With the
growing body of research in this regard, it was soon recognized that not all antibiotics
are safe for use in pregnant women with infections due to their potential to cause
abnormalities in developing fetuses.
Although some people think it is wise to avoid all antibiotics during the course of

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pregnancy, it is not the fact. Some antibiotics are safe enough not to harm the
pregnant woman and the baby she is bearing; others have the potential to cause
abnormalities in the fetus which manifest when the child is born with birth
abnormalities. With this in mind, doctors treating pregnant women with infections
treat pregnant women with infections with utmost care weighing the benefits obtained
by antibiotic therapy by the risks incurred due to such treatment.
The treating doctors task has been simplified much by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) guidelines in this regard which classify all drugs including
antibiotics into five categories based on the risk they carry for the developing fetus.
Drugs and for that matter antibiotic included in the category X are strongly
contraindicated for use during pregnancy as there is clear evidence against them in
causing birth defects as devastating to the extent of fetuses born with cleft lip or
palate and congenital heart defects. Drugs included in the category A are generally
considered safe for use during the pregnancy. Those in category B are considered safe
to the extent that they failed to produce any harm in pregnant study animals but no
data exists for their safety in pregnant women. Category C medicines produced
adverse effects in pregnant animals but the lack of evidence in humans coupled with
their benefits of usage warrant them to be used after the physicians outweigh their
risks against the benefits entailed to the pregnant woman. Similarly, category D drugs
have strong evidence of causing fetal malformations in humans but their benefits
often warrant their usage. Therefore, the FDA categories make it simpler for

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Is it safe to take antibiotics during pregnancy/breastfeeding? How can they affect my baby? Antibiotics are specialized medicines used to treat infections. Antibiotics are particularly helpful to treat bacterial infections. Due to their fast onset of action, since the twentieth century, there is widespread use of antibiotics to treat infections due to microbes replacing the traditional ways and means of healing in such cases. With the growing body of research in this regard, it was soon recognized that not all antibiotics are safe for use in pregnant women with infections due to their potential to cause abnormalities in developing fetuses. Although some people think it is wise to avoid all antibiotics during the course of pregnancy, it is not the fact. Some antibiotics are safe enough not to harm the pregnant woman and the baby she is bearing; others have the potential to cause abnormalities in the fetus which manifest when the child is born with birth abnormalities. With this in mind, doctors treating pregnant women with infections treat pregnant women with infections with utmost care weighing the benefits obtained by antibiotic therapy by the risks incurred due to such treatm ...
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