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Dr Asad Zain First draft

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Dr. Asad Zain
Institute of Public Health Lahore Roll No. 651-17
Factors predisposing to Cleft Lip and Palate
in Children in Tertiary Care Hospital
First draft
Dr. Asad Zain
Roll No. 651-17

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Dr. Asad Zain
Institute of Public Health Lahore Roll No. 651-17

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1 Factors predisposing to Cleft Lip and Palate in Children in Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore First draft Dr. Asad Zain Roll No. 651-17 MPH Dr. Asad Zain Institute of Public Health Lahore Roll No. 651-17 2 INTRODUCTION Dr. Asad Zain Institute of Public Health Lahore Roll No. 651-17 3 The biggest asset of any country is its young generation of healthy, wise, intelligent, and creative youngsters and children. Congenital malformations appearing in the children are a major factor making such a great asset inefficient and leading to great losses in the human capital. Cleft lip and palate with a measured worldwide incidence of 1 in every 700 live births, is one of these malformations 1. Cleft lip and cleft palate are one of the most common congenital malformations which may happen with different percentages of prevalence in different societies. Talking from an international perspective, its prevalence in Iran is estimated to be approximately 1/1 in 1000 live births for children 2. Cleft palate (CP) is a common congenital defect which makes serious problems for cleft-affected children 3. Or facial cleft i.e., cleft lip CL, cleft palate CP, and both together cleft lip and cleft Plat CLP, are the most common congenital anomalies of the head and neck which can affect the lips, jaw bones, hard palate, and soft palate. Several problems can be observed in the cleft-affected patients including dental abnormalities, malocclusion, malformations of the face and nose, and feeding, ...
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