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Ovarian cysts and pregnancy

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Can ovarian cysts affect your ability to get pregnant?
You must have heard about the problem of ovarian cysts in women. What actually are
the ovarian cysts and what problems can they cause to a woman having them?
Ovarian cysts are small liquid filled bags inside your ovaries which form as part of
your normal menstrual cycle. However, in cases, they can persist beyond this normal
presence or be in numbers greater than their expected frequency to cause certain
undesirable signs and symptoms. These symptoms include bleeding from your vagina
and/or pain in your lower abdomen.
To have a greater understanding of ovarian cysts and if they can affect your ability to
become pregnant, let us first consider the types of cysts which can develop in the
ovaries. First of all are the physiological or functional cysts which we just described

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above which are totally normal and you do not need to worry about. Then there are
the cystadenomas which are tumorous but fortunately benign in nature. Then there are
the dermoid cysts which unlike the other cysts we just described are not fluid filled
but are composed to any tissue of the body like the bony, hair or thyroid tissue.
Although being tumorous in nature like the cystadenomas, they are benign as well. All
of the ovarian cysts we have described by now do not have the potential to affect your
fertility and do not require much treatment if they are not producing any undesirable
Now let us have a look on the ovarian cysts having a potential to render you infertile
or reduce the chances of a pregnancy. One of them is the endometrioid cysts which
contain the tissue lining the inside of a womans uterus in them. As such, they are
filled with blood like material inside them and carry a good potential to reduce a
womans fertility that is having them. The most common cysts are those of the
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, abbreviated as PCOS which result in a significant
reduction in a woman’s fertility. PCOS is a result of hormonal imbalance and along
with cysts in the ovaries; it results in a number of other accompanying signs and
symptoms like hirsutism (growth of hair on body and face), irregular menstrual cycle,
acne on the face and increase in body weight. A woman having the above mentioned
set of symptoms is often suspected for having a polycystic ovarian syndrome and a
detailed clinical examination and help from diagnostic modalities like and ultrasound
usually establishes the diagnosis.

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Can ovarian cysts affect your ability to get pregnant? You must have heard about the problem of ovarian cysts in women. What actually are the ovarian cysts and what problems can they cause to a woman having them? Ovarian cysts are small liquid filled bags inside your ovaries which form as part of your normal menstrual cycle. However, in cases, they can persist beyond this normal presence or be in numbers greater than their expected frequency to cause certain undesirable signs and symptoms. These symptoms include bleeding from your vagina and/or pain in your lower abdomen. To have a greater understanding of ovarian cysts and if they can affect your ability to become pregnant, let us first consider the types of cysts which can develop in the ovaries. First of all are the physiological or functional cysts which we just described above which are totally normal and you do not need to worr ...
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