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Response To Grace Roberts.edited

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Response to Grace Roberts
I agree with Roberts that the partition of India with Pakistan was more of a religious issue than a
political matter. The split had a significant religious impact as it led to mass immigration as people
moved to the side that their religious interests would be catered for. The division also stopped the
killing and rape, and displacement of people due to their religious affiliation. The rivalry between
the Muslims, Hindus, and the Sikhs had proceeded for long that the government had to take action
to protect the different religious groups. Such killings can be considered a religious war where
people of a specific religious affiliation attack people who are not from their religious affiliation.
I believe that the partition provided a simple solution to the religious turmoil experienced in the
country as it enabled Muslims to migrate to Pakistan and leave the Hindus and Sikhs whose
religious beliefs are compatible and whose followers could live together in peace.

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Response to Grace Roberts I agree with Roberts that the partition of India with Pakistan was more of a religious issue than a political matter. The split had a significant religious impact as it led to mass immigration as people moved to the side that their religious interests would be catered for. ...
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