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1A Module 8 Assignment Final Paper 2021 2 (1)

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NSG 811 Population Health and Epidemiology Dr. Hughes Spring 2021
Module 8--1 Week Module--Week of April 5-10
Module 9: Putting It All Together-Population Health and Epidemiology
Prep Time for Final Population Health and Epidemiology Paper
1 Week Module April 5-10
Course Objectives:
CO1-Analyze and use epidemiological data in the design, implementation, and evaluation of
population health strategies
CO2-Integrate psychosocial and cultural dimensions (SDH) in improving the health of
CO3-Synthesize evidence-based and evidence-informed data to guide population health
interventions and programs.
Module Objectives: The student will be able to:
1. MO8- identify a population and prioritize current issues relating to evidence-based and outcome
driven aspects of population-focused healthcare needs..
2. MO8-2-discuss and review the beginning analysis of multiple factors that impact the population.
3. MO8-1-summarize epidemiology concepts applicable to the evaluations of health of populations.
4. MO8-3-synthesize and apply concepts of population health and epidemiology in the
development of a focused, evidence-based, outcomes-focused scholarly paper.
All course materials to date
Related Population Health subject matter related to population of interest and proposed
PPTS with voice over
Turnitin Instructions
Instructions to see up margins, paragraphs, double-spacing:
All course materials and resources to date
Rubric for final paper
Turnitin instructions for paper
Module Evaluation Methods
See posted Rubric for this final paper assignment.
See Turnitin instructions in Canvas.
Submit to Turnitin for evaluation prior to your final submission. You may submit to Turnitin up to 3
times before your final submission. Click the bar in the instructions for Turnitin and final submission.
See PPTS slides with Instructions.
See Online Assignment for Final Paper - 12 points (Paper)-See instructions in this assignment folder
Due Saturday, April 10 11:30 pm
Develop and submit population-focused, EBP formal paper with factors and interventions
impacting the population.
To Assignment on Canvas. Early Submissions Welcome!
Submission: Develop and submit population-focused, EBP formal paper with factors and
interventions impacting the population. (No online Discussions connected with this paper.)