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Week 8 Assignment Challenges of Being Fat (1)

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College of Online Education ILS2370
Johnson & Wales University
Week 8 Assignment: Challenges of Being Fat
Assignment Due Date and Time
This assignment is due Sunday of Week 8 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
The purpose of this assignment is to assess the social challenges associated with
Part 1:
You wake up in the morning and realize that you now weigh 500 pounds! As you
go through your daily routine, think about the physical and social challenges you
face at your new body weight. Some things you might keep in mind are:
Moving around (walking, exercising, bending and reaching to complete daily
activities, etc.)
Physically fitting into things (chair seats, car/seatbelt, shower/bathtub,
clothes, etc.)
Social stigmas (how might people view or judge you on your food choices,
activities, etc. in certain situations)
Part 2:
Answer the following questions:
1. What physical challenges did you experience? Please list and describe in
detail a minimum of 5 challenges you encountered.
2. What social challenges did you experience? Please list and describe in detail a
minimum of 5 challenges you encountered.
3. How did this assignment raise your awareness of challenges facing obese
individuals? Did it change the way you view obese individuals? Give specific
examples to illustrate your answers.
Submission Instructions
Submit your answers in the assignment submission area located in the weekly
content area. All documents must be in either .doc, .docx. or PDF formats in order
to be graded.
Grading Criteria
This assignment is worth 15 points. Refer to the course’s assignment rubric to
review grading expectations.

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Week 8 Assignment: Challenges of Being Fat Assignment Due Date and Time • This assignment is due Sunday of Week 8 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to assess the social challenges associated with obesity. Directions Part 1: You wake up in the morning and realize that y ...
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