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Manuscript Colrectal Cancer

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Milany Lorenzana
Non-Invasive Colorectal Cancer Screening Outline Review
Integrated Review
Colorectal Cancer screening is among the most significant public health priorities. Colorectal
Cancer screening is the medical process that comes after the protracted stepwise progression in
benign adenomas to malignant adenocarcinomas. However, it should be noted that colorectal
cancer is asymptomatic and happens in irregular intervals.
Problem population (3/7- 3/14)
Colorectal cancer is among the leading causes of death. The challenge with the condition is that
it happens periodically and irregularly making it hard to detect. As a result, colorectal cancer
screening is a major public priority to facilitate timely detection.
Literature Search (3/7)
A review of the existing literature about colorectal cancer
Data Evaluation ( 3/21- 3/28)
Evaluation of the qualities of studies related to non-invasive colorectal cancer screening
Data Analysis ( 3/21- 3/28)
Evaluation of the studies used in the research on non-invasive colorectal cancer screening

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1 Milany Lorenzana Non-Invasive Colorectal Cancer Screening Outline Review Integrated Review Colorectal Cancer screening is among the most significant public health priorities. Colorectal Cancer screening is the medical process that comes after the protracted stepwise progression in benign adenomas to malignant adenocarcinomas. However, it should be noted that colorectal cancer is asymptomatic and happens in irregular intervals. Problem population (3/7- 3/14) Colorectal cancer is among the leading causes of death. The challenge with the condition is that it happens periodically and irregular ...
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