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Read the link below which introduces a peer-reviewed, scientific paper on using “Mendelian
Randomization” to support evidence of the Carbohydrate-Insulin Model (CIM) of
obesity. (I’ve also included the pdf file of the original scientific paper for reference).
of-obesity-327d84be6d2b (Links to an external site.)
Answer the following and post your initial responses by wednesday.
1. What is Mendelian Randomization (MR)? Why is this tool useful in genome wide
association studies?
2. How was MR used to test the CIM of obesity and what were the results according to the
3. Do another internet search for a gene linked to carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes, or
obesity and find your own article that either supports, refutes, or addresses another angle
of this story. Then summarize your article.
4. Your article can be a primary, peer-reviewed article OR it can be from a reputable
secondary source.
5. Be sure you include the following
1. Summary of your article
2. Link to your article
3. Your thoughts and opinions on the root cause(s) and genetic components of the
current epidemics of OBESITY and TYPE 2 DIABETES.
Your article may not be the same as another group member; feel free to post your article
ahead of time to "claim it". You should still link to it at the end of your post!

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Topic Read the link below which introduces a peer-reviewed, scientific paper on using “Mendelian Randomization” to support evidence of the Carbohydrate-Insulin Model (CIM) of obesity. (I’ve also included the pdf file of the original scientific paper for reference). ...
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Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
