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My topic will be on college students 18-24 struggling with Anxiety and Depression throughout the college
years and how to cope with it. The reason I chose this topic is because when I turned 18 I moved out of
my parents into the college dorms. Even though the drive from home to my college was only 1 hour away.
I dealt with an enormous amount of anxiety and depression, and I ended up leaving and going back
home. I did end up getting help with therapy and I am in a much better place now. I would like to do a
more in depth research on this topic since many students suffer from these 2 types of mental illnesses.

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My topic will be on college students 18-24 struggling with Anxiety and Depression throughout the college years and how to cope with it. The reason I chose this topic is because when I turned 18 I moved out of my parents into the college dorms. Even though the drive from home to my college was only 1 ...
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