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Sample week 10 paper (Advance Health Assessment)

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NURS 6512 : Advance Health Assessment
October 5th 2019

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Abdomen and Gastrointestinal System
Subjective Position of the Note
According to Gossman & Ghassemzadeh (2019), subjective experiences refer to those
that include the personal experiences of the patient. Additionally, the information provided is rel-
ative to the assessment plan. Notably, the data primarily involves the personal views of the pa-
tient or as analyzed by another person (Gossman & Ghassemzadeh, 2019). In the given case of
Patient JR, some of the subjective symptoms include colic tension pain, which is characterized
by peristaltic contractions in the viscera.
In most cases, the patient exhibiting such pain is restless and cannot be comfortable. Ad-
ditionally, the patent JR may experience inflammation of the peritoneum (Ball, Dains, Flynn,
Solomon, & Stewart, 2019). In this case, the patient is likely to remain still and does not want to
be moved. On the other hand, the research identifies that some of the subjective symptoms of the
patient include, changes in bowel habits, nausea, vomiting, and weight gain or loss (Ball et al.,
2019). Other factors that should be considered with the diagnosis includes the patient history,
and social and family history.
Objective Point of the Note
According to Gossman and Ghassemzadeh (2019), the information under objective note
includes vital signs, laboratory information, physical exams, and recommendations from the phy-
sicians. One of the differences between this category and that of subjective note is the presence
of specific symptoms (Gossman & Ghassemzadeh, 2019). In the given case of patient JR, some
of the signs for objective diagnosis include the type of pain. For example, acute pain requires ur-
gent attention, while chronic abdominal pain can be handled in a temperament manner.

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1 NURS 6512 : Advance Health Assessment October 5th 2019 2 Abdomen and Gastrointestinal System Subjective Position of the Note According to Gossman & Ghassemzadeh (2019), subjective experiences refer to those that include the personal experiences of the patient. Additionally, the information provided is relative to the assessment plan. Notably, the data primarily involves the personal views of the patient or as analyzed by another person (Gossman & Ghassemzadeh, 2019). In the given case of Patient JR, some of the subjective symptoms include colic tension pain, which is characterized by peristaltic contractions in the viscera. In most cases, the patient exhibiting such pain is restless and cannot be comfortable. Additionally, the patent JR may experience inflammation of the peritoneum (Ball, Dains, Flynn, Solomon, & Stewart, 2019). In this case, the patient is likely to remain still and does not want to be moved. On the other hand, the research identifies that some of the subjective symptoms of the patient include, changes in bowel habits, nausea, vomiting, and weight gain or loss (Ball et al., 2019). Other factors that should be considered with the diagnosis includes the patient history, and social and family history. Objective Point of the Note According to Gossman and Ghassemzadeh (2019), the information under objective note includes vital signs, laboratory information, physical exams, and recommendations from the physicians. One of the differences between this category ...
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