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5 Blood Cells Part I RBCs

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Structure & Function of Blood THE CELLULAR COMPONENT OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 1 Fluids of the Body Cells of the body are serviced by 2 fluids ◦ Blood ◦ Composed of plasma and a variety of cells ◦ Transports nutrients and wastes ◦ Interstitial fluid ◦ Bathes the cells of the body Nutrients and oxygen diffuse from the blood into the interstitial fluid & then into the cells Wastes move in the reverse direction PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 11E 2 Functions of Blood Transportation ◦ O2, CO2, metabolic wastes, nutrients, heat & hormones Regulation ◦ helps regulate pH through buffers ◦ helps regulate body temperature ◦ coolant properties of water ◦ vasodilatation of surface vessels dump heat ◦ helps regulate water content of cells by interactions with dissolved ions and proteins Protection from disease & loss of blood PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 11E 3 Physical Characteristics of Blood Temperature of 100.4 degrees F pH 7.4 (7.35-7.45) 8 % of total body weight Blood volume ◦ 5 to 6 liters in average male ◦ 4 to 5 liters in average female ◦ hormonal negative feedback systems maintain constant blood volume and osmotic pressure PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 11E 4 Components of Blood PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 11E 5 Blood Plasma 0ver 90% water 7% plasma proteins ◦ Albumin ◦ maintain blood osmotic pressure ◦ Globulins (immunoglobulins) ◦ antibodies bind to foreign s ...
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