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LA020798 Ass CHCCCS010 Ed1

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LA020798 Assignment, CHCCCS010 Ed 1 1
© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2016 (TAFE NSW WSI), Archive version 2, April 2016
CHCCCS010 Assignment
What you have to do
Read and respond to the questions below.
1. List four (4) members of the health care team.
2. Why is teamwork valuable in the health care setting?
3. List the steps involved in conflict resolution.
4. Why is using an interpreter preferable to using a family member or member of staff
when communicating with a client?
5. Why is dealing with complaints quickly, important?
6. What communication skills are important when assessing the needs and concerns of
7. Explain how ‘privacy’ and ‘confidentiality’ apply in a health care setting.
8. How do you show respect to a client, even when you may not ‘like’ them? Why is this
9. What is the aim of an ‘Aggression Prevention Policy’?
10. What is a ‘performance review’?
I have:
answered all questions in the space provided
clearly identified my answers

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CHCCCS010 – Assignment What you have to do Read and respond to the questions below. Questions 1. List four (4) members of the health care team. 2. Why is teamwork valuable in the health care setting? 3. List the steps involved in conflict resolution. 4. Why is using an interpreter prefera ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
