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Dr Ali Hasan (Dissertation)

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INTRODUCTION: Laser lithotripsy is an established endourological modality.
Ho:YAG laser have broadened the indications for ureteroscopic stone managements
to include larger stone sizes throughout the whole upper urinary tract. Aim of current
work is to assess efficacy and safety of Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy during retrograde
ureteroscopic management of ureteral calculi in different locations.
OBJECTIVE: To find efficacy and frequency of complications after holmium YAG
laser lithotripsy for ureteroscopic removal of ureteric calculi.
STUDY SETTING: Department of Urology, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore
DURATION OF STUDY: February 25, 2016 to August 24, 2016.
STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive Case Series
SUBJECTS & METHODS: 115 patients were treated with ureteroscopic Ho:YAG
laser lithotripsy in our institute. Study endpoint was the number of treatments until the
patient was stone-free. Patients were classified according to the location of their
stones as Group I (distal ureteric stones, 60 patients) and group II (proximal ureteral
stones, 55).
Chi-square test was used to compare efficacy rate in both groups. P value ≤0.05 was
taken as significant. Data were stratified for age, gender and stone size.

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RESULTS: Overall stone free rate for both groups was 94.80%. The initial treatment
was more successful in patients with distal ureteral calculi (100.00% vs. 87.30%,
respectively, P = 0.005). Overall complication rate was 5.20%. Overall and grade-
adjusted complication rates were not dependant on the stone location. No laser
induced complications were noticed.
CONCLUSION: The use of the Ho:YAG laser appears to be an adequate tool to
disintegrate ureteral calculi independent of primary location. Combination of the semi
rigid and flexible ureteroscopes as well as the appropriate endourologic tools could
likely improve the stone clearance rates for proximal calculi regardless of stone-size.
KEY WORDS: Ureteral calculi, Ureteroscopy, Holmium-YAG laser, Lithotripsy.

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1 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Laser lithotripsy is an established endourological modality. Ho:YAG laser have broadened the indications for ureteroscopic stone managements to include larger stone sizes throughout the whole upper urinary tract. Aim of current work is to assess efficacy and safety of Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy during retrograde ureteroscopic management of ureteral calculi in different locations. OBJECTIVE: To find efficacy and frequency of complications after holmium YAG laser lithotripsy for ureteroscopic removal of ureteric calculi. STUDY SETTING: Department of Urology, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore DURATION OF STUDY: February 25, 2016 to August 24, 2016. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive Case Series SUBJECTS & METHODS: 115 patients were treated with ureteroscopic Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy in our institute. Study endpoint was the number of treatments until the patient was stone-free. Patients were classified according to the location of their stones as Group I (distal ureteric stones, 60 patients) and group II (proximal ureteral stones, 55). Chi-square test was used to compare efficacy rate in both groups. P value ≤0.05 was taken as significant. Data were stratified for age, gender and stone size. 2 RESULTS: Overall stone free rate for both groups was 94.80%. The initial treatment was more successful in patients with distal ureteral calculi (100.00% vs. 87.30%, respectively, P = 0.005). Overall complication rate was 5.20%. Overall and gradeadjusted complication rate ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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