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Lab report UPDATED guidlines

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Lab report
You will need to write a formal lab report.
You need to include the following sections in your formal lab report:
Materials/Procedures (includes a deviation section at end)
Results Data and written summary
Full reference list (bibliography) -> need at least two references in APA format (not
including lab manual). PREFER JOURNAL ARTICLES
Below is a description of what to include in each section:
In your OWN words (DO NOT copy the manual) write in paragraph form the following:
1.Describe WHY the experiment is being performed:
Give general background for the study (i.e. background on cardiovascular system
and heart rate)
Give the purpose/goal of the study
2.End with a couple sentence summary of what you were specifically testing and how
you tested it.
You should have a clear section of your report after your introduction with the
heading hypothesis and your hypothesis stated underneath it.
Hypothesis statement should include:
o A specific result you expect to see following your experiment
o An explanation/justification for why you expect to see that result
You should start by listing all the materials used in your experiment under a heading
of “Materials"
Under a heading “Procedures”, you should list what you did to conduct your
experiment in bullet points.
o If any deviations, changes, or mistakes occurred during the experiment, make
sure to write them down in a “Deviations Section” at the end of your procedures.
o If no deviations, make sure to write no deviations under the “Deviations Section”.

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Lab report
You should include all calculations made during the experiment.
You should have your results compiled in a clear format (e.g. using a table of result
o Need a detailed figure or table caption describing what each result represents.
Following your data section, you should have a written summary of your results in
paragraph form stating the key points of your experimental results.
In your discussion section make sure to include the following points:
Discuss whether results support your hypothesis. If your results do not support
hypothesis, suggest some reasons or confounding factors that might have
influenced your results.
Consider your mean and standard deviation heart rate values. Discuss the variability
of data among the different members of your group in response to the stimuli.
Describe some factors that could cause variability amount individuals tested.
What conclusions can you draw from your experiment?
Would you change anything to your experiment if you repeated it in the future?
You need to include two credible outside references in your lab introduction section (not
including your lab manual). Using APA format, you need to include:
1. An in-text citation for each reference when you use the information from that
reference in your lab introduction.
2. A full citation for each reference in your reference section at the end of your report.

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Lab report You will need to write a formal lab report. You need to include the following sections in your formal lab report: • • • • • • Introduction Hypothesis Materials/Procedures (includes a deviation section at end) Results – Data and written summary Discussion Full reference list (bibliography) -> need at least two references in APA format (not including lab manual). PREFER JOURNAL ARTICLES Below is a description of what to include in each section: Introduction: In your OWN words (DO NOT copy the manual) write in paragraph form the following: 1.Describe WHY the experiment is being performed: • • Give general background for the study (i.e. background on cardiovascular system and heart rate) Give the purpose/goal of the study 2.End with a couple sentence summary of what you were specifically testing and how you tested it. Hypothesis: • • You should have a clear section of your report after your introduction with the heading hypothesis and your hypothesis stated underneath it. Hypothesis statement should include: o A specific result you expect to see following your experiment o An explanation/justification for why you expect to see that result Procedures: • • You should start by listing all the materials used in your experiment under a heading of “Materials" Under a heading “Procedures”, you should list what you did to conduct your experiment in bullet points. o If any deviations, changes, or mistakes occurred during the experiment, m ...
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