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This is chapter 17 from Hood book that needs to be used in this essay
Hood, L. Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from
Chapter 17
Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing
Formal leaders
Informal leaders
Leadership development
Leadership and management skills
Empowered caring
Transformational leadership
Strategic plan
Change agent
Habits of effective leaders
Nursing leadership self-evaluation criteria

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By the end of this chapter, the learner will be able to:
1. Explain contemporary thoughts about the concepts of leadership and management.
2. Compare and contrast the concepts of leadership and management.
3. Identify the essential habits of effective leaders.
4. Outline the strengths of a feminine approach to leadership.
5. Specify the value of empowering others and oneself in professional nursing relationships.
6. Outline criteria to evaluate leadership effectiveness.
Elena is a registered nurse (RN) who graduated from school a year ago. While attending a parent
teacher association (PTA) meeting at her son’s school, Elena learns that the school does not have a full-
time nurse. At the previous meeting, many parents voiced complaints related to the school’s current
health education and health care services. The PTA forms a task force and elects Elena to chair it
because she is an RN. Uncomfortable with her new leadership position, Elena decides that she needs to
read about principles of leadership and finds her nursing leadership textbook.
Do you think the PTA made a wise decision in selecting Elena as their leader?
How would you feel if you were in Elena’s position?
What would be the first things you would do as the task force chair? Why?
Distinguishing leadership and management is difficult because the concepts overlap and business
literature often uses the terms interchangeably. Leaders are people who influence others. Leaders view
issues globally, create visions of what might be, inspire others, tolerate chaos and ambiguity, do not fear
taking risks, and work with others in a more connected way. Managers usually receive their title because
of an appointment to a position within an organization. Managers tend to focus energy and efforts to
ensure a smooth workflow and the efficient use of resources to meet the objectives of the organization.
Effective managers and leaders both possess expertise in working with people, understand organizations
as being authentic, and pursue their work with passion (Covey, 2004).
Formal leaders are people who hold a position of power via appointments or elections in groups,
organizations, or workplaces. In contrast, informal leaders are not formally appointed to their position;
rather, they emerge when members of a group recognize that a person has special knowledge,
expertise, communication skills, or other personality traits they respect and admire (Donnelly, 2003;
Videback, 2008).
Nurses influence clients and other members of the health care team as they fulfill professional roles and
responsibilities. A strong knowledge base of leadership and management skills enables nurses to
influence others (including clients) to make optimal health care decisions. As leaders of the
interprofessional health care team, nurses coordinate efforts and inspire others to provide the best
possible client care.

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This is chapter 17 from Hood book that needs to be used in this essay Hood, L. Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from Chapter 17 Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS Management Leaders Managers Formal leaders Informal leaders Leadership Empowerment Leadership development Leadership and management skills Empowered caring Transformational leadership Strategic plan Budgeting Staffing Marketing Change Change agent Habits of effective leaders Nursing leadership self-evaluation criteria LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this chapter, the learner will be able to: 1. Explain contemporary thoughts about the concepts of leadership and management. 2. Compare and contrast the concepts of leadership and management. 3. Identify the essential habits of effective leaders. 4. Outline the strengths of a feminine approach to leadership. 5. Specify the value of empowering others and oneself in professional nursing relationships. 6. Outline criteria to evaluate leadership effectiveness. REAL-LIFE REFLECTIONS Elena is a registered nurse (RN) who graduated from school a year ago. While attending a parent– teacher association (PTA) meeting at her son’s school, Elena learns that the school does not have a fulltime nurse. At the previous meeting, many parents voiced complaints related to the school’s current health education and health care services. The PTA forms ...
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