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Assignment 3: Report on Data collection, including critical reflection on ethical issues
Report on data collection, including critical reflection on ethical issues
2,000 words
The purpose of this task is to provide opportunity for you to critically reflect on and identify key
points of learning and application, related to the experience of collecting and organising data related
to your research project, with a particular focus on the management of ethical issues as they arose.
The execution of research protocols places many demands on the researcher. Having gained ethics
approval, the next step is to contact prospective participants and then to begin the process of
collecting data. Any method used to collect data requires the researcher to consider carefully ethical
issues like confidentially, duty of care, security of data, approach to analysis and reporting, to name
a few. It is also important that the researcher approaches the task of data collection and analysis
reflexively. This means that the researcher should constantly be aware of the context of the
research, the participations’ interactions, and their own thoughts, feelings, and responses and the
overall strengths and limitations of the research.
In this Assignment your task is to reflect on the whole data collection process and provide a
critique of its strengths and limitations. You should comment on a substantial range of factors
involved in conducting the research including but not limited to the following:
The success or limitation of first contact (email, letter, in-person, etc)
The appropriateness of the methodological approach, (e.g., semi-structured interview, surveys,
questionnaires, focus groups) to the central research question
How did the data collection approach impact on you the researcher?
What would you do differently?
What ethical considerations were evident in conducting the research?
What impacted you most about the whole exercise of conducting research and collecting data?
It is important in this assignment that you don’t just describe events and procedures but also
critically reflect upon them. The primary interest is in helping you deepen your understanding and
appreciate of the research enterprise.

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Assignment 3: Report on Data collection, including critical reflection on ethical issues Report on data collection, including critical reflection on ethical issues 50% 2,000 words Purpose: The purpose of this task is to provide opportunity for you to critically reflect on and identify key points of learning and application, related to the experience of collecting and organising data related to your research project, with a particular focus on the management of ethical issues as they arose. Process: The execution of research protocols places many demands on the researcher. Having gained ethics ...
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