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Essential Criteria
TAFE Certificate in Office Administration or equivalent experience
I always have an on going commitment to professional development. I have completed a
certificate IV in Frontline Management and I am currently undertaking a business diploma
online through Australian Training Institute. Recently I have had general administrative
experience within councils supply store and as assistant coordinator
Computer skills including Microsoft Office applications
In my past roles, I have had extensive experience maintaining files both physical and
electronic and in performing data entry as part of my records management duties. My
experience has included experience within council within supply and also as assistant
coordinator and undertaking data entry and general administrative skill and duties. Which
include but not limited to data entry finance one processing, fax emails and customer service
I possess the transferable skills and abilities required of the role including maintaining files
and data entry and I remain proficient in MS Office applications and databases. I draw on my
high levels of accuracy and attention to detail in lodging and processing.
Strong written and verbal communication skills
I have developed excellent interpersonal, written and communication skills, including one on
one, speaking to the community, customers and producing written documents of various
kinds. Across variety of field and teams as you can see in my resume. In my experience acting
team leader, assistant coordinator and in supply store. I interacted with customers on daily
basis and also writing emails, notes, daily records and risk assessments. As a semi
professional referee communication and building rapports is key. As is filling out high detail
reports. During completion of my marketing and management course, I was required to
present presentations and also write creative copies and reports. Being a good communicator
in emails, phone calls and meetings, listening to others, being able to give and share opinions,
being supportive of team members, being always ready to assist and being reliable. This is
what makes a good team player and being able to show commitment to what you do.
Demonstrated conflict resolution skills
In my current role I recall a situation where a member of the community approached our crew
who were working in the area and had expressed their dissatisfaction in relation to the works
and the delay which had been occurring in undertaking the works. They were extremely
agitated. I was aware that their concern rested in the frustration and listened to their concerns
and issues and assured them that their concerns were being heard. I listened carefully and
remained sympathetic to the customers concerns. I assured the customer that her concerns and
feedback were appreciated and that I would forward them to the appropriate person to be
actioned in a timely manner. As a result the customers concerns and required works were
expedited and her requests were subsequently completed within the week of her complaint
and to the customers satisfaction.
Strong organisational skills
You will find I am detail oriented and able to analyse, prioritise and resolve client requests or
issues quickly and effectively. I make a list. I work out what order things need to be done by
thinking which tasks are urgent. If I'm unsure I find out. I take pride in my tasks and ensure
that each task is completed to the best of my abilities whether it is part of a team or
Demonstrated teamwork skills
I have proven myself to be a competent team player with the capacity to manage a number of
diverse situations. I am highly organised efficient and a great multi-tasker. I thrive in a fast-
paced environment and am deadline driven. Being a team player is about sharing the loads,
being responsible for your own role and what is required of you however at the same time
being helpful and of assistance to others. I am a focused individual eager to manage the
adverse situations calmly and go that extra mile to produce quality work and get the job done.
I have built my career in a variety of roles, teams and industries, for the most part with the
Penrith City Council where I have performed the role of Field Operator and Assistant Supply
Officer. During these roles I was able to adapt to changes easily when new tasks come along
and being able to learn quickly and on the spot, being a good communicator in emails, phone

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Essential Criteria • TAFE Certificate in Office Administration or equivalent experience I always have an on going commitment to professional development. I have completed a certificate IV in Frontline Management and I am currently undertaking a business diploma online through Australian Training Institute. Recently I have had general administrative experience within councils supply store and as assistant coordinator • Computer skills including Microsoft Office applications In my past roles, I have had extensive experience maintaining files both physical and electronic and in performing da ...
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