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PH2 Case18

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Case 18: The X Pack Smoking Cessation Kit Step 1:Tobacco use and addiction commonly begins in adolescence. Tobacco companies invest large amounts of funds to study how to market to young adults. Step 2: Tobacco companies are marketing to the youth in order to convince them to start smoking, because if a young adult becomes addicted to smoking then the tobacco company has a life-long consumer. Step 3: Large markets are in place that specifically target youth to start up the use of cigarettes. Step 4: Finding more impactful marketing methods to prevent adolescents from smoking, or to convince adolescents to change their behavior and quit smoking. Step 5: Use of effective social marketing to discourage youth from cigarette use. Step 6: Create support statements and concrete reasons why smoking is detrimental while utilizing the media and consistently looking for creative solutions to fix the problem. Step 1: Gather information and identify preliminary issues  Tobacco use and addiction commonly begins in adolescence.  Tobacco companies invest large amounts of funds to study how to market to young adults.  However, despite the efforts of tobacco companies, younger adults are more willing to quit smoking than older adults.  There are five stages of Change Model, which marks t ...
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