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The Tools of Nutrition Assessment

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The Tools of Nutrition Assessment
What is an assessment tool?
A tool is any device used for doing or facilitating work
A tool is “A mean to an end ,as an instrument or implement used to
accomplish a purpose”
Tools are generally adapted or individualized to take and give only those
data of interest in a specific situation.
Generally ,a series of tools will be selected to strengthen the validity of
data collection and implementation of nutrition intervention
Data collection instruments as assessment tools or forms
Nutrition assessment tools include many forms or instruments for
gathering data to assess the nutritional status of the patient .Examples are
1- Screening forms
“Nutrition screening is the process of discovering
characteristics or risk factors Known to be associated with dietary nutritional
problems .Its main purpose is to identify individuals who are potentially at
high risk ,that is ,who have complex and involved problems that touch upon
nutrition .
Screening forms are used to assess the kinds of care or level of care needed
in order to provide health care interventions to individuals or groups and to
identify those at greatest risk.
A screening may be simple or complex depending on its intended use ,the
data may be collected by one practitioner or by a number of health care

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2-Dietary intake forms
“Dietary intake forms are tools used to collect
information about an individual’s food intake”
These include
1-24- hour recall forms
2-Food frequency checklists.
3- Food records.
4-Dietary history questionnaires.
3-The nutrition profile forms
“The nutrition profile is a broad needs assessment form
(or set of forms ) that can be used to collect or organize information about the
population served and available resources”.
The primary purpose is to help identify the nutrition related problems of a
As a diagnostic tool it provides a systematic method of descriptive
information that can be used to meet the nutrition or health related needs
and to expand resources within a demographic area .
It can serve as a basis for planning nutrition intervention programs
Objective Data as Assessment Tools
Objective data can be quantified and can serve as assessment tools .These
tools provide specific, quantifiable data to assess individual patients or
group and to monitor nutrition intervention outcomes.
If correct techniques and reliable instruments are used to provide these
data ,they are generally accurate ,comparable measures.

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No 2 The Tools of Nutrition Assessment What is an assessment tool? • A tool is“ any device used for doing or facilitating work” • A tool is “A mean to an end ,as an instrument or implement used to accomplish a purpose” • Tools are generally adapted or individualized to take and give only those data of interest in a specific situation. • Generally ,a series of tools will be selected to strengthen the validity of data collection and implementation of nutrition intervention Data collection instruments as assessment tools or forms • Nutrition assessment tools include many forms or instruments for gathering data to assess the nutritional status of the patient .Examples are 1- Screening forms “Nutrition screening is the process of discovering characteristics or risk factors Known to be associated with dietary nutritional problems ”.Its main purpose is to identify individuals who are potentially at high risk ,that is ,who have complex and involved problems that touch upon nutrition . • Screening forms are used to assess the kinds of care or level of care needed in order to provide health care interventions to individuals or groups and to identify those at greatest risk. • A screening may be simple or complex depending on its intended use ,the data may be collected by one practitioner or by a number of health care professionals. 1 2-Dietary intake forms “Dietary intake forms are tools used to collect information about an individual’s food intake” The ...
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