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Critique guidlines (1)

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1. Does the title clearly state the problem, variables and population under study?
2. Is the significance (importance) of the study discussed?
3. Does the literature review follow a logical sequence leading to a critical review of
supporting and conflicting prior work?
4. Is the hypothesis stated precisely and in a form that permits it to be tested?
5. If a correlational, quasi-experimental, or experimental design was used, what means were
used to control for threats to internal and external validity?
6. If an experimental design was used, was the assignment of subjects to experimental and
control groups clearly described and appropriate?
7. If there was more than one person collecting data, was interrater reliability adequate?
8. Do the figures and tables illustrate the results?
9. Is the study relevant to nursing practice?

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1. Does the title clearly state the problem, variables and population under study? 2. Is the significance (importance) of the study discussed? 3. Does the literature review follow a logical sequence leading to a critical review of supporting and conflicting prior work? 4. Is the hypothesis stated pr ...
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