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High blood pressure or hypertension is a prevalent condition that affects millions
globally. Hypertension refers to a condition where the pressure of blood in an individual’s blood
vessels is higher than it should be (“High Blood Pressure,” 2019). It is caused by poor life
choices such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excessive consumption of alcohol, and
Hypertension is a severe health condition that affects, which can result in numerous
health complication for the people it affects (Felman, 2019). Some of the health complications
that are associated with the condition include stroke and heart diseases. In extreme instances, the
disease may be fatal.
Some studies show a strong correlation between genetics and high blood pressure.
People who have parents who have high blood pressure are also at increased risk of developing
the condition (“Hypertension,” 2019).
There is notable geographical variation in the prevalence of hypertension. A study
conducted by Kershaw et al. (2010), indicates that there was a higher prevalence of hypertension
in geographical zones with more black people compared to zones with more white women.

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Hypertension Hypertension Behavior High blood pressure or hypertension is a prevalent condition that affects millions globally. Hypertension refers to a condition where the pressure of blood in an individual’s blood vessels is higher than it should be (“High Blood Pressure,” 2019). It is caused by poor life choices such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excessive consumption of alcohol, and obesity. Infection Hypertension is a severe health condition that affects, which can result in numerous health complication for the people it affects (Felman, 2019). Some of the health complications that are associated with the condition include stroke and heart diseases. In extreme instances, the disease may be fatal. Genetics Some studies show a strong correlation between genetics and high blood pressure. People who have parents who have high blood pressure are also at increased risk of developing the condition (“Hypertension,” 2019). Geography There is notable geographical variation in the prevalence of hypertension. A study conducted by Kershaw et al. (2010), indicates that there was a higher prevalence of hypertension in geographical zones with more black people compared to zones with more white women. Environment Research conducted by Krzywinska-Wiewiorowska (2017), demonstrated the existence of environmental variation in the prevalence of high blood pressure. The study found that blood pressure is higher in rural areas compared to blood pressure incidences in urb ...
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