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To prepare week 6

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To prepare:
1. Consider the outcomes of your DNP Project or other
evidence-based projects with which you have been involved.
Were your findings as anticipated? What unexpected
outcomes, if any, arose?
2. Apply the concepts you have studied in previous courses to
the data you gathered for your DNP Project or for other
evidence-based projects. Consider social, political,
technological, and financial factors as well as factors related
to quality and your area of specialty.
3. How does your analysis of the project outcomes inform the
discussion and implications of your DNP Project? What
impact could your findings have as they ripple out through
multiple systems?
4. Have you identified any ethical implications that require
attention? If so, what are they?

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To prepare: 1. Consider the outcomes of your DNP Project or other evidence-based projects with which you have been involved. Were your findings as anticipated? What unexpected outcomes, if any, arose? 2. Apply the concepts you have studied in previous courses to the data you gathered for your DNP Pr ...
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