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Week 3 Structural Versus Strategic Family Therapies edited docx

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Week 3: Structural versus Strategic Family Therapies

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Structural versus Strategic Family Therapies
Family plays a significant supportive role in the treatment of mentally ill patients.
Through family relationships, it is ideal for family therapists to include family members to help
members struggling from addiction, medical issues, and mental diagnoses as well as reduce
conflict and improve communication. As such, family therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach
used in reducing conflict and stress in a family through improving systems of interaction
between members of the family (Gladding, 2015). This paper seeks to compare structural and
strategic family therapy, highlight strengths and weaknesses as well as provide an example using
a structural map.
Structural Family Therapy
The structural family is a therapy model that focuses on changing the family systems based on
the distribution of power and various roles among the members of the family. The approach of
structural family therapy ensures the parents take over control and work as a team in addressing
hierarchy issues and setting up boundaries for children (Tadros & Finney, 2018). A family
therapist strengthens the relationships between the family members by joining the family system
and ensure none of the members has too much power. The strength of this approach is its
efficiency in engaging family members in producing positive outcomes and its ability to change
dysfunctional communication patterns and interaction by setting up rules and boundaries
engaging all family members from the initial session by the distribution of power and respective
roles (Tadros & Finney, 2018). The intervention is limited to exploring emotional and
intrapersonal relationships of a family member as well as lack of sturdy theoretic basis in
analyzing complex issues in the family.
Strategic Family Therapy

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Running head: STRUCTURAL VERSUS STRATEGIC FAMILY THERAPIES Week 3: Structural versus Strategic Family Therapies Name: Institution: Date: 1 STRUCTURAL VERSUS STRATEGIC FAMILY THERAPIES 2 Structural versus Strategic Family Therapies Family plays a significant supportive role in the treatment of mentally ill patients. Through family relationships, it is ideal for family therapists to include family members to help members struggling from addiction, medical issues, and mental diagnoses as well as reduce conflict and improve communication. As such, family therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach used in reducing conflict and stress in a family through improving systems of interaction between members of the family (Gladding, 2015). This paper seeks to compare structural and strategic family therapy, highlight strengths and weaknesses as well as provide an example using a structural map. Structural Family Therapy The structural family is a therapy model that focuses on changing the family systems based on the distribution of power and various roles among the members of the family. The approach of structural family therapy ensures the parents take over control and work as a team in addressing hierarchy issues and setting up boundaries for children (Tadros & Finney, 2018). A family therapist strengthens the relationships between the family members by joining the family system and ensure none of the members has too much power. The strength of this approach is its efficiency in eng ...
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