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Running head: FAMILY THERAPY
Structural and Strategic Family Therapy
Walden University
NURS 6650
Dr. Justin White
June 23, 2019

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Structural and Strategic Family Therapy
According to Wheeler (2014), in order to become proficient providing families with
therapy, a provider must become involved in extensive training that reaches far beyond the
education provided by a regular preparation program. The real training for the APRN begins
with experience and advanced training programs. Family therapy utilizes a combination of
approaches, many having their own set of concepts and interventions. Family therapy is designed
to explore an individual’s issues in the context of a system. It has been thought that problems and
the need for change are a direct result of family dysfunction. When problems affect more than
one person in a household, family therapy is a valuable intervention. Structural and strategic
family therapy provide essential guidelines for family therapies and are critical therapies used to
help provide symptom relief in dysfunctional families (Wheeler, 2014).
The purpose of this assignment is to summarize the key points of both structural family
therapy and strategic family therapy. This report will compare structural family therapy to
strategic family therapy, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each. An example of a family
using a structural family map is provided. Finally, a recommendation of a specific therapy for the
family is presented.
Structural Family Therapy
According to Wheeler (2014), the major ideas concerning the structural family therapy
method incorporates the family structure, subsystems, boundaries, enmeshed family, disengaged
family coalition, and parentification. Family structure is an implied set of rules that affect how
members relate to one another. Subsystems are family members that have specific roles and are
separated by demographics. Boundaries are emotional barriers that allow members a sense of
individuality. In an enmeshed family, members express a large variety of highly emotional

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Running head: FAMILY THERAPY Structural and Strategic Family Therapy Walden University NURS 6650 Dr. Justin White June 23, 2019 2 FAMILY THERAPY Structural and Strategic Family Therapy According to Wheeler (2014), in order to become proficient providing families with therapy, a provider must become involved in extensive training that reaches far beyond the education provided by a regular preparation program. The real training for the APRN begins with experience and advanced training programs. Family therapy utilizes a combination of approaches, many having their own set of concepts and interventions. Family therapy is designed to explore an individual’s issues in the context of a system. It has been thought that problems and the need for change are a direct result of family dysfunction. When problems affect more than one person in a household, family therapy is a valuable intervention. Structural and strategic family therapy provide essential guidelines for family therapies and are critical therapies used to help provide symptom relief in dysfunctional families (Wheeler, 2014). The purpose of this assignment is to summarize the key points of both structural family therapy and strategic family therapy. This report will compare structural family therapy to strategic family therapy, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each. An example of a family using a structural family map is provided. Finally, a recommendation of a specific therapy for the family is presented. Stru ...
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Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
