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Nursing Research Guidlines

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Critique of a Quantitative or Qualitative Research Article (15%)
Critique the research study using the appropriate criteria and template below. Follow all
elements included in the template for either a quantitative or qualitative study. Many of
the items on the critique templates may not be addressed in your article; however, you
need to state this critique item was not applicable to this article in your presentation.
Your presentation must be a synthesis of these elements and not simply rewriting each
question and answering it be creative! Grading for each item ranges from 0 to 2 points
(0=incorrect answer or no answer; 1 = partially correct answer (no explanation or
example stated); 2=correct answer, including a correct explanation and/or example). To
receive full credit (2 points), the answer must be correct and must include an explanation
and/or example. Your raw score (earned points) will be converted to a percent grade.
Quantitative Research Critique Criteria and Grading Rubric
Quantitative Research Critique
Your Name:
Complete bibliographic citation of the article:
Points Earned
Title and Abstract
1. Does the title clearly state the problem, variables and population under study?
2. Does the abstract clearly and concisely summarize the main features of the report?
Research Problem
3. Is the problem statement clear?
4. Does the investigator identify key research questions and variables to be
5. Is the significance (importance) of the study discussed?
6. Does the study have the potential to help solve a problem that is currently faced in
clinical practice?
Purpose of the Study
7. Is the purpose of the study presented?
8. Does the investigator provide a sense of what he or she is doing and why?
Research Question
9. Are research questions explicitly stated? If not, is their absence justified?
Literature Review
10. Does the literature review follow a logical sequence leading to a critical review
of supporting and conflicting prior work?
11. Is the relationship of the study to previous research clear?
12. Does the investigator describe gaps in the literature and support the necessity of
the present study?
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
13. Does the study have an identified theoretical or conceptual framework?

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14. Did the author(s) state one or more hypotheses to be tested in the study?
15. Is the hypothesis stated precisely and in a form that permits it to be tested?
Study Variables
16. Are the relevant variables clearly and operationally defined?
Research Design
17. Is the design clearly identified and described?
18. Is the design appropriate for the research questions or hypothesis testing?
19. If a correlational, quasi-experimental, or experimental design was used, what
means were used to control for threats to internal and external validity?
20. If an experimental design was used, was the assignment of subjects to
experimental and control groups clearly described and appropriate?
Population and Sample
21. Are the subjects and sampling methods described?
22. Is there an indication of how sample size was determined (was a power analysis
performed before the study began)?
23. Is there adequate assurance that the rights of human subjects were protected?
Data Collection and Reporting
24. Are data collection methods sufficiently described?
25. If there was more than one person collecting data, was interrater reliability
26. How were data organized and presented in the report?
Data Analysis
27. Are the statistical tests used identified and the results reported?
28. Are the statistical tests appropriate, considering the level of measurement,
sample size, sampling method, and hypotheses/research questions?
Interpretation of Findings (Discussion)
29. Are the results for each hypothesis and/or research question clearly and
objectively presented?
30. Do the figures and tables illustrate the results?
31. Are results discussed in light of the theoretical framework and/or supporting
32. Are conclusions based on the results?
33. Were the study results generalized beyond the study sample? If yes, were the
generalizations appropriate?
34. Are implications of findings discussed (i.e., for practice, education, and
Usefulness of the Results
35. Is the study relevant to nursing practice?
36. Are the study findings feasible for nurses to implement?
37. Do the study benefits outweigh the risks?
38. Are the limitations of the study acknowledged? If so, what are they?

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1 Critique of a Quantitative or Qualitative Research Article (15%) Critique the research study using the appropriate criteria and template below. Follow all elements included in the template for either a quantitative or qualitative study. Many of the items on the critique templates may not be addressed in your article; however, you need to state this critique item was not applicable to this article in your presentation. Your presentation must be a synthesis of these elements and not simply rewriting each question and answering it – be creative! Grading for each item ranges from 0 to 2 points (0=incorrect answer or no answer; 1 = partially correct answer (no explanation or example stated); 2=correct answer, including a correct explanation and/or example). To receive full credit (2 points), the answer must be correct and must include an explanation and/or example. Your raw score (earned points) will be converted to a percent grade. Quantitative Research Critique Criteria and Grading Rubric Quantitative Research Critique Your Name: Complete bibliographic citation of the article: Criteria 0 Title and Abstract 1. Does the title clearly state the problem, variables and population und ...
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