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May 11, 2016
Lourdes Farsaci, Caseworker
Leslee Kline, Supervisor
Civic Center Child Protective Services
421 Montgomery St
Syracuse, NY 13202
RE: Ivelis Velaequez DOB 09/05/01
Ivelis Velaequez is a lovely cooperative 14 year old girl who is being seen at Psychological Health Care. She
reportedly does present with challenges outside our sessions. For this reason it is reasonable for her foster
care rate to be exceptional as Ivelis requires a high level of individual supervision in and outside the foster
Evidence of exceptional delays in her previous and current IEP’s reporting her age appropriate eighth grade
and the modified curriculum ability currently that of first grader. It is assured that moving to five different foster
homes in less than one year coupled with the fact she reportedly has an understanding that her birth mother
has rejected her and her birth father has abandon her has triggered Ivelis mental health and self-worth to be
devastated causing her to be depressed.
The foster home must be able to provide a more active involvement in all areas of her life to include school,
social, mental and physical. They must expect to provide attention and affection without expecting anything in
return. It’s also important to be able to express, accept and understand feelings – both theirs and Ivelis’s.
Constant supervision is required until improvement academically and emotionally to keep Ivelis and others
around her safe.
Her current placement is able to provide good communication and problem solving skills that are helpful in
parenting a challenging child. The Reese family has demonstrated ability to fully support a child in placement
by working closely with all the members of the child’s team, sharing information, developing and utilizing
problem solving strategies, giving and receiving support and using all relevant services available.
It is my recommendation, at the request of Gail Reese, to support her request to provide an exceptional rate for
this placement until further notice.
Nancy Goodman Ph.D.
600 E Genesee St Suite 217
Syracuse NY 13202-3108

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May 11, 2016 Lourdes Farsaci, Caseworker Leslee Kline, Supervisor Civic Center Child Protective Services 421 Montgomery St Syracuse, NY 13202 RE: Ivelis Velaequez DOB 09/05/01 Ivelis Velaequez is a lovely cooperative 14 year old girl who is being seen at Psychological Health Care. She reportedly does present with challenges outside our sessions. For this reason it is reasonable for her foster care rate to be exceptional as Ivelis requires a high level of individual supervision in and outside the foster home. Evidence of exceptional delays in her previous and current IEP’s reporting her age ...
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