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Nursing Mangment Learning Objectives Copy

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Pick one objective point from each of the 23 modules write about it.
You must document at least one reference to support writing.

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Part I: Theories of Leadership and Management
Module 1: Theories and Styles of Leadership
Critically analyze one leadership situation
List environmental and organizational trends
Describe four leadership theories
Differentiate transformational leadership from authentic leadership
Describe two leadership theories that are especially important to nursing
Assess your own transformational and authentic leadership qualities
Discuss an emerging view of leadership
Evaluate your own ability to be an adaptable leader
Apply leadership theories to a simulated clinical setting
Module 2: Theories and Styles of Management
Critically analyze one management situation
Describe the relationship between leadership and management
Describe four management theories that can be applied to nursing
Assess your own management qualities
Identify management values and beliefs
Simulate conveying an unpopular decision to staff
Develop a personal philosophy of management
Join an online nursing support group
Interview two staff members about how their organization could be improved
Participate in an in-class simulation to help employees achieve a balance between work
and family life
Part II: Basic Skills to Creatively Lead and Manage
Module 3: Role Transitioning
Critically analyze one role transitioning situation
List the assumptions of role theory
Describe four paths to nursing leadership/management
Identify ways a nurse can transition to a leadership role
Module 4: Managing Stress
Explain the nature of stress at work
Describe the health consequences of stressful work
Explain how to use hardiness theory to reduce stress
List three ways to use Bandura’s self-efficacy theory to reduce stress
Try out different stress reduction measures
Module 5: Managing Time
Analyze one nurse leader’s time management skills

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Pick one objective point from each of the 23 modules write about it. You must document at least one reference to support writing. Part I: Theories of Leadership and Management Module 1: Theories and Styles of Leadership • • • • • • • • • Critically analyze one leadership situation List environmental and organizational trends Describe four leadership theories Differentiate transformational leadership from authentic leadership Describe two leadership theories that are especially important to nursing Assess your own transformational and authentic leadership qualities Discuss an emerging view of leadership Evaluate your own ability to be an adaptable leader Apply leadership theories to a simulated clinical setting Module 2: Theories and Styles of Management • • • • • • • • • • Critically analyze one management situation Describe the relationship between leadership and management Describe four management theories that can be applied to nursing Assess your own management qualities Identify management values and beliefs Simulate conveying an unpopular decision to staff Develop a personal philosophy of management Join an online nursing support group Interview two staff members about how their organization could be improved Participate in an in-class simulation to help employees achieve a balance between work and family life Part II: Basic Skills to Creatively Lead and Manage Module 3: Role Transitioning • • • • Critically analyze o ...
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