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What Are the Components of Respectful Maternity Care or Disrespect in
Maternity Care?: A Scoping Review Protocol

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The background of the scoping review is that research gaps exist on the definition,
components, and classification of respectful maternity care. There are three objectives of the
proposed scoping review, which are defined based on its rationale as described above,
including in explicit terms, defining the components of respectful maternal care, classifying
the respectful maternity care, and defining the criteria for respectful maternity care.
Inclusion Criteria
The criteria for inclusion and induction of articles in the scoping review comprise of research
articles being published in the peer-reviewed journals in the period not more than the
previous ten years, and the articles being published in Standard English language, bearing the
US, UK, or any other acceptable accent of the language.
Search Strategy & Study Selection
The evidence sources which will be utilised in searching the research articles shall comprise
of healthcare-focussed research databases like MEDLINE (Ovid), Cumulative Index of
Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Cochrane Library Database, as well as the
MAG Online Library.
Data Extraction
The data charting process shall comprise of incorporation of a numerical summary in tables
as well as qualitative thematic analyses presented in the form of a table (chart). Charting shall
be done independently.
Presentation of Results
The results of the scoping review shall be synthesised to relate them to the research questions
of the scoping review. The conclusion section shall provide a summary of the major findings
and conclusion of the scoping review.

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What Are the Components of Respectful Maternity Care or Disrespect in Maternity Care?: A Scoping Review Protocol 1 Abstract Introduction The background of the scoping review is that research gaps exist on the definition, components, and classification of respectful maternity care. There are three objectives of the proposed scoping review, which are defined based on its rationale as described above, including in explicit terms, defining the components of respectful maternal care, classifying the respectful maternity care, and defining the criteria for respectful maternity care. Inclusion Criteria The criteria for inclusion and induction of articles in the scoping review comprise of research articles being published in the peer-reviewed journals in the period not more than the previous ten years, and the articles being published in Standard English language, bearing the US, UK, or any other acceptable accent of the language. Search Strategy & Study Selection The evidence sources which will be utilised in searching the research articles shall comprise of healthcare-focussed research databases like MEDLINE (Ovid), Cumulative Index of Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Cochrane Library Database, as well as the MAG Online Library. Data Extraction The data charting process shall comprise of incorporation of a numerical summary in tables as well as qualitative thematic analyses presented in the form of a table (chart). Charting shall be done independently. Presentati ...
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