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Immunization coverage by antigen country regional and global trends WUENIC 2019revision

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unicef_region iso3 country vaccine 2019 2018 South Asia AFG AfghanistanBCG 78 Eastern Europe ALB & Central Albania Asia BCG 99 Middle EastDZA & North Africa Algeria BCG 99 Eastern & Southern AGO Africa Angola BCG 69 Latin America ARG & Caribbean Argentina BCG 93 Eastern Europe ARM& Central Armenia Asia BCG 99 Western Europe AUT Austria BCG Eastern Europe AZE & Central Azerbaijan Asia BCG 96 South Asia BGD BangladeshBCG 99 Eastern Europe BLR & Central Belarus Asia BCG 97 Latin America BLZ& Caribbean Belize BCG 95 West & Central BENAfrica Benin BCG 89 South Asia BTN Bhutan BCG 92 Latin America BOL & Caribbean Bolivia (Plurinational BCG State of) 80 Eastern Europe BIH & Central Bosnia Asia and Herzegovina BCG 95 Eastern & Southern BWA Africa Botswana BCG 98 Latin America BRA & Caribbean Brazil BCG 79 East Asia & BRN Pacific Brunei Darussalam BCG 99 Eastern Europe BGR& Central Bulgaria Asia BCG 96 West & Central BFA Africa Burkina FasoBCG 98 Eastern & Southern BDI Africa Burundi BCG 93 West & Central CPV Africa Cabo VerdeBCG 98 East Asia & KHM Pacific Cambodia BCG 98 West & Central CMRAfrica Cameroon BCG 80 West & Central CAF Africa Central African BCGRepublic 74 West & Central TCD Africa Chad BCG 75 Latin America CHL & Caribbean Chile BCG 98 East Asia & CHN Pacific China BCG 99 Latin America COL & Caribbean Colombia BCG 89 Eastern & Southern COM Africa Comoros BCG 94 West & Central COGAfrica Congo BCG 80 East Asia & COK Pacific Cook IslandsBCG 99 Latin America CRI& Caribbean Cos ...
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