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KIN 270 Weight Training Assignment Online class

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HLED/ KIN 270 Health and Fitness
Weight Training Assignment:
Come up with 8-10 Exercises that you would begin with or start a first
time exercisers out with. Tell me what muscle group the exercise uses.
Pick one arm and one leg exercise and thoroughly explain:
1. How to perform the exercise
2. What muscle(s) it works
3. Why do you think it is the most beneficial exercise for this muscle
4. Use the FITT principle to generate the prescription for the
exercises (How much, how often, sets/reps)
5. Should be a program a beginner can do for the first 6-8wkes of a
training program.

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HLED/ KIN 270 Health and Fitness Weight Training Assignment: Come up with 8-10 Exercises that you would begin with or start a first time exercisers out with. Tell me what muscle group the exercise uses. Pick one arm and one leg exercise and thoroughly explain: 1. How to perform the exercise 2. What ...
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